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Oral Sex After Gastric Bypass

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I don't think that there would be a problem - the amount of sperm won't exceed the amount of food one can eat at one sitting.

I am not a doctor though, so maybe it is something he or she should be asked.


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I would want to know how long it has been since you had the procedure performed. I do know that a friend had it done and in the beginning, she could only hold down "sips" of water, not like a glass size of liquid. I might be persuaded to say, wait until you could hold down more liquids??

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My mother had gastric bypass surgery about 5 yrs ago. Personally, I don't wanna even KNOW if she does that!! :lol: But I did a lot of research for it when she was going to get it done. Unfortunately, she doesn't follow the diet anymore, so she's gained weight back.

Follow your diet! Your stomach is only capable of handling a certain amount of food & liquid, and I would assume that counts. Anything that you eat, even water, counts for your intake allowance with this type of surgery. I'm not sure how much an average man ejaculates. You don't want to stretch out your stomach, cuz that would not only defeat the purpose to the surgery, it can pop staples too. Which, I'm sure your surgeon has already told you. Though, swallowing cum probably would not be a cause for concern. But, your body will tell you if you have put too much in it. Just remember to follow your doctor's advise with everything concerning this. My mother hasn't, and she's not one of the success stories for sure!!

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My first wife left after she lost the weight,,,acted like she was 18 again,,now she regrets her actions but too late,,,,I have heard several several same stories. I think anyone doing the sugury(plus spouse) should also see a shrink to over come the mind problems that will come from it. I think most girls really like the attention after weight loss and the partner might not make good comments or is afraid to because they dont want to offend their partner. Its true you can only eat/drink a tiny portion so cum (unless your Mr North) should not be a problem,all you can do is try one time and see how you feel. Every thing is new after the surgery.

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