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Hi Guys I have been looking around your site and it looks really neat. I have a question and I hpoe some of you girls can help me with it. Here goes, what is the best kind of pillow some of you have used under your ass. I use a bed pillow but have been thinking of buying something else. Also another question why would a man want a fake pussy when there is plenty of the real thing out there, I don't get it.

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As far as raising a woman's hips, one of the best pillows I have ever found that raises me up really well are those tube shaped decorator pillows. They kinda look like hot dogs, usually used on couches and such. Or even try using a rolled up exercise mat (so long as it's not vinyl or plastic~brrr!!).

As far as "fake pussies", well, that's a matter of preference. I'm not sure of any man that would choose a male masturbator over a real woman. Though, there may be some that would due to being hurt, fear of commitment, whatever.

Male masturbators are like vibrators/dildos/clit stimulators for women. They enhance, not replace. Or help ease sexual frustration/desires. Great for those trips away from you significant other, instead of cheating, or just for fun. Added sexual pleasure can be added by calling your SO and telling him/her what you're doing, how it feels and so on. Get the point? I honestly think that that's the most often thought idea about sex toys. Mistaking enhancement as replacements.

I hope this helps. :)

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For me, I use a couple of bed pillows - you know, the decorative kind. I am also considering investing in some liberator shapes - those are AWESOME!!!!!

As for the fake pussy - this is not uncommon. Sure, I am sure a man would rather get off with a live human being - but as Tyger put it, they are an enhancement, not a replacement.

My hubby has some masturbators - some times we use them together, some times he uses them when he is away, or when I am on my period and don't want anal. It is definitely just something for him to use when the real deal is not available.

They are great for single guys or married guys - whether you get a masturbator or a fake pussy (realistic looking) is a matter of preference. My hubby hasn't tried the fake pussy yet - but maybe I will order one for him and see!

Good Luck!


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