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Got A Package Today....


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My FIL came out of his house, holding a small box. Looked like it could be a TT box, but they usually send it to our new address. We use to live right next door to him, and sometimes would deliver my packages over there if I wasn't home, trying to be nice, and more convenient, but I always hated that!

He hands it to my husband and said that he had looked up the return address label, and it was from a sex toy online deal, for his girlfriend (he always jokes like that, trying to get his own son in trouble!! :P ). Nice, huh? LOL

I thought, "uh oh, busted". Not cuz I am ashamed, but I know that if my FIL ever knew about all my sex toys, he'd never ever ever ever let me live it down. Just what I need!! He LIVES to give people a hard time!! Me and hubby just look at each other.

BTW, the package wasn't from here, it was a gift for the both of us from my aunt in Maine from LL Bean!! :rolleyes:

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OMG too funny Tyger!

I about died laughing.

I was sitting here reading your thread and my MIL came upstairs and handed me my TT box!

Now I cant wait for everyone to go to bed to try some of these out! =)

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You read my mind, Howard. I was going to tease him, if in fact, that was what the box was!!

I'll tell y'all a little funny that happened.

When I first moved down here, I had purchases a brand new 2004 black & silver Subaru Baja (revamped Brat from the 80's making a come-back). Love the car!!

Well, FIL is a HUGE "buy American only" dude. Which I do support usually. He hassles me all the time about having "foriegn car", built in Indiana, and a black car! In Texas? With the sun and heat, what kind of idiot buys a black car? *raises hand* that would be me.

OK, revenge time!!!

2 months ago, he trades his Dodge dually for a 2006 TOYOTA pick up truck, in, you guessed it, BLACK!!!

Oh, you KNOW I have harrassed him to no end for THAT swift choice!! He's like, it was assembled in Georgia. Yeah? So. Black? They gave him a great deal. Blah blah blah! Revenge is soooooo sweet in cases like that!! :lol:

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