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Who Here Has Heard/thought Of A G-shot?


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I was watching Dr. 90210, which is a show about plastic surgeons and the work they perform. One woman went in to have what is known as a G-shot. From what I found out, there is an injection done IN the G-Spot to make it swell :blink: . So, no matter what, a woman's G-Spot is stimulated and she is able to get a g-spot orgasm every time. The "procedure", if it can be even called that lasts about 8 whoppin' seconds. They didn't say how much it cost, but they said it would last up to 4 months.

Anyone thought of doing this?

What will they think of next?

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UMMM..WOW....so peoples lives are so fast paced that they are not able to take the time needed to have a good old fashion Ogrgasm? I can understand wanting a short cut for a lot of things, but rushing a orgasm? who would want to do that? just thinking about getting a shot to the kitty makes me cringe, it would probaly go on strike...lol I love foreplay and sex, and would not trade the prosses of getting to my O for anything...like my mom says, nothing good in life is easy and good things come to thoes who wait.

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My first thought when I read this is OUCH!!! No thank you, I would never think about it. I like the foreplay and the buildup to reach the O. This just goes to show you some people will do anything to have a quick release from the everyday stress of life. I love to have the slow romantic and wild play time with my hubby or even alone to relieve the stress of life and play in my own plyaground.

The thought of someone giving me a shot there, I think my legs would never open again. My little cat would be on strike for months. :lol: I think people that go to that extreme just to have an O are nuts, I mean what fun is that? No real adult playtime. Just my opinion, plus I like to make him work at it.

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This is the age we live in gals and guys. Don't want to dieg? Get Gastric bypass. Want bigger boobs? Get implants. Don't want to age? Get botox! Sorry you aren't a virgin anymore? Get your hymen sewn back together or replaced? Not tight enough after childbirth and don't have time for kegels? Get your vagina tightened.


SO, I am not surprised that there is a shot for the G-Spot! I would NEVER do that. In the course of my life, even if I didn't have G-SPot orgasms on my own, I would never do that! COme on people - a G-Spot shot! It probably costs at least a grand - and my G orgams are good, but not worth the pain or the money!

My opinion only, of course!


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The woman that got it done said that it didn't hurt, surprisingly.

I guess if you've never experienced any sort of orgasm, but really want too, then that may be a good idea, and most definitely a sure thing!!

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