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Too Available?


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o.k. this is my dilema: I have a guy I am very interested in and he seems to be equally interested in me, but my question is this, is being overy available a downside? I don't like playing games and I tell this guy exactly how I feel about him. I adore him, I am so sexually attracted to him and anytime he contacts me I respond.....I think about him all the time and I'm not sure if being so available to him is the wrong way to go. He seems to be o.k. with it, but I don't want to seem desperate.

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I am a firm believer in being authentic. I think people play too many games when a relationship is starting. They either pretend NOT to be interested to draw the person in; or they come off too needy and take things too fast so that the person will KNOW that they are interested.

My best advice, pick a happy medium. If you are interested and attracted to this guy, let him know. However, do not go picking out baby names and wedding announcements! Just be true to your feelings and the rest will follow. I have always believed that real men - men who are secure - are not turned off by secure, assertive women.

Good luck!


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Have to agree with the above posts. You have the right to let him know and the right to know. If its meant to be it will be. There is too much wasted time with people playing "games" in relationships.....I mean we aren't back in high school here. As adults we should know what we want and feel free to say so. Like Mikayla said, find that happy medium and go from there. The rest will fall into place. I don't believe in rushing into things, but I do know when you know, and you feel it, then its right.

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How did I miss this one? :blink:

Well, I hope you were able to tell him how you feel at least?

I totally agree with the NO GAME PLAYING thing. I think games have a tendancy to backfire, and people don't see each other for who they truly are.

As far as being too available, yes, you can appear that way, especially if he's calling, and you answer it when it doesn't even ring once, hang on every word, and totally fall over yourself when he's around. Some guys like that, but most don't. Being available and appearing desperate are 2 different things.

I would, however, be honest with him....to a point. Just tell him that you're very attracted to him, without going into details (those can be saved for later, if you 2 should happen to give it a go). See where it goes from there.

Best wishes and good luck!! I hope it works out for you!

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