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I have only done sex like 4 times in my life, and that was with my ex-boyfriend, Eric.

He taught me what to do, but he would always get upset all 4 times for either talking (I said, "I love you.") or I moved. He taught me to just lie really still and not say anything, becuase he said that guys hate it if the girl moves or says anything ( He said it makes the guy take too long. ). I would really like some help. Thanks

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I have only done sex like 4 times in my life, and that was with my ex-boyfriend, Eric.

He taught me what to do, but he would always get upset all 4 times for either talking (I said, "I love you.") or I moved.  He taught me to just lie really still and not say anything, becuase he said that guys hate it if the girl moves or says anything ( He said it makes the guy take too long. ). I would really like some help. Thanks


Wow Sweetie, Eric was a real jerk. You have to be you if you enjoy it your body naturally moves. Everything should be natural, if you want to say I love you fine, if you want to talk dirty, go for it. Don't let this Eric spoil it for you sex can be awesome. If you want to learn more, keep reading this site can be very helpful.

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Seems like Eric got all his experience off blow up dolls. What I'd do is find someone else who is first of all not a control freak. I don't know of anyone who makes their girl lay like a log or doesn't allow them to talk. I bet anyone else you'll be with will make you much more comfortable to try out things. If you want to talk, then do so. You don't have to talk in order to switch positions. Body language is more erotic in this case anyway.

It will all come natural to you, so I wouldn't worry about anything...but get rid of Eric :angry:

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I have only done sex like 4 times in my life, and that was with my ex-boyfriend, Eric.

He taught me what to do, but he would always get upset all 4 times for either talking (I said, "I love you.") or I moved.  He taught me to just lie really still and not say anything, becuase he said that guys hate it if the girl moves or says anything ( He said it makes the guy take too long. ). I would really like some help. Thanks


Wow did you get the wrong guy. I've talked about sex with guy friends before and all of them said they can't stand when a woman lays there and does nothing. I don't know how you managed to lay there and not move yourself the whole time. Most of the guys I've been with love to see a girl squirm with pleasure, it lets them know there gettin' r done and turns them on. I've also found I perform much better on my partner when I've been "well done" because I want them to feel just as good as me.

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I agree with the other posts so far! You have to be in charge of your own sexuality you have to be pleased or please others. Don't let some idiot like Eric impress you because he was selfish and didn't care for you!! Sex is fun and exciteting no matter who your with as long as it's honest open sharing. You have a whole new world of SEX ahead of you enjoy it every time.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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I have heard a lot of crap come out of men's mouths, but that has to take the cake. Sweetie, You were not having sex. He was fuck*** you and in more ways than one. But DO NOT blame yourself! Sex is a MUTUAL exchange between two people, giving and receiving pleasure. And any man that is a true man wants a partner that moves and expresses pleasure. From what you describe, I think he maybe a necrophiliac. No, just kidding....although...never mind. Anyway, he has to be one of the most selfish assholes.

Contrary to what most people believe, guys really do care if their partners are pleasured and will go out of their way to make sure they are. So, this POS you call Eric was just getting his rocks off. The reason he wanted you lie still and not say a word was because he had to make believe that you weren't there in order to "get off." Does this make any sense?

Just file him away under "Lessons Learned" and go find a real man! Good Luck!

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Listen to the wise words of these people! I'm sorry to hear that your first experience with sex was so rotten; I hope you understand that what you went through was not what sex really is.

Sex is:

1) Natural

2) FUN

3) Active

4) Vocal

5) Experimental

6) Exciting!

7) Shared

and yes, it can make you nervous, worried and scared, but if you are with someone you trust then those fears take a back seat!

I hope Eric is no longer in your life. Move on and find someone who's not going to use you as a sex "thing"!

Good luck!


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Listen to the wise words of these people!  I'm sorry to hear that your first experience with sex was so rotten; I hope you understand that what you went through was not what sex really is. 

Sex is:

1) Natural

2) FUN

3) Active

4) Vocal

5) Experimental

6) Exciting!

7) Shared

and yes, it can make you nervous, worried and scared, but if you are with someone you trust then those fears take a back seat!

I hope Eric is no longer in your life.  Move on and find someone who's not going to use you as a sex "thing"!

Good luck!



Eric is a dick. I think talking, and movement is a key to a sexual relationship!

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