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Cock Rings

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I usually need and like a lot of touching and foreplay, but my husbands idea of a lot and my idea of a lot are quite different. By the time he is ready to orgasm I'm not. Would cock rings help him last longer? And what would anyone recommend?

Thanks for your help.

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I would like some more information on these as well. I ordered one of the velcro ones because 1) I wanted to surprise my husband and 2) I wasn't exactly sure of the fit. It is the one that is adjustable.

Anyhow, he loved the sensation but it didn't seem to have any effect on how long he lasted. MOF, he popped much sooner than usual. I'm thinking this had to be because it was something new but still, I was disappointed. I realize we are not teenagers but geez, we aren't old people either. We are more middle-age (35-42). I was sadly disappointed with what I got. I would appreciate it too if someone had any ideas to share on types, sizes, etc.... Could it have possibly been technique? I was really hoping this was going to help make our time together last longer.

Nnypan, I share your frustration. While my hubby and I do flirt and tease throughout the day, I would like more foreplay in the bedroom. Our problem seems to always be timing. He works long hours, we have kids, and each of us have health issues. I would love for us to spend one night - a full night - simply staying up all night enjoying each other without one or the other dropping from sheer exhaustion from the day's job/activities/etc.. Maybe I should talk to his doctor about safety in a Viagra spiked caffeinated Jolt soda or something. :D


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I would love for us to spend one night - a full night - simply staying up all night enjoying each other without one or the other dropping from sheer exhaustion from the day's job/activities/etc.. Maybe I should talk to his doctor about safety in a Viagra spiked caffeinated Jolt soda or something. :D



Cockrings are fun toys, but they don't really do much to prolong an erection or delay male orgasm, although I've found a tight cockring will intensify my orgasms.

In my experience, delaying my orgasm means I get to enjoy sex longer, but it's not always easy. If your man has gone too long without sex, it can be really difficult for him to hold back. Sometimes relieving the pressure with a quickie or a blowjob, then having more leisurely sex an hour or two later will help.

Also, Viagra can help a lot for guys who come too fast. The drug works for hours, so he will be able to have sex several times. Usually the second and third (or more, depending!) time around his erection will last a long time and he won't have the urgency he had the first time.

Your idea of setting aside a whole night is a good one. My partner and I try to set aside a lot of time for our sexual encounters, so we can have sex lots of ways and lots of times. When our kids were smaller, we'd get a hotel room for a 'dirty weekend' every couple of months so we could take the time we needed. Now, we just plan ahead and have our private sex parties when the kids are out with friends. It's way better than going to the movies!

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  • 3 weeks later...
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OK, let's talk toys and real help! Cock rings you buy at the porno store are just that toys and the pumps from them also. If you want real help that works for ED then call the boys at Endocare, they produce a real system that works and not just for 20 minutes. With their pumps and varied rings they can show you the pleasure you and your partner has missed if you can't take the pills due to heart attack or blood pressure problems! Their number is 1-800-438-8592 and the VA approves the system!

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OK, let's talk toys and real help!  Cock rings you buy at the porno store are just that toys and the pumps from them also. If you want real help that works for ED then call the boys at Endocare, they produce a real system that works and not just for 20 minutes. With their pumps and varied rings they can show you the pleasure you and your partner has missed if you can't take the pills due to heart attack or blood pressure problems! Their number is 1-800-438-8592 and the VA approves the system!



Thank you for the advice, company, and the number. I am quite sure my hubby's doctor would not agree with Viagra or any similar drug because he has mild tachy, borderline high blood pressure, and has juvenile diabetes. It would be nice for him to keep erect for an extended period of time.

I do have a story to share from about a week ago. We had the bedroom to ourselves, the girls where either gone or asleep - I can't remember right off hand but I know it was late. He and I took a nap together earlier in the day so we would be rested later. Anyhow, I began oral on him and literally made him wait. Each time he would attempt at a climax I stopped him. This went on for what he swears was unbearable but delightful hours upon hours when in reality it was only about an hour and a half to two hours. Anyhow, I would stop him and he would start playing this game with me. By the time I finally "allowed" him to go, he said he felt like his brain was going to explode along with his genitals. I felt similarly simply by the energy I felt from his body. It was more one-sided for him but I have to admit it was one of the best nights we have had together in a very long time. The poor man was exhausted for days afterward and didn't have sex on the brain not even once during that recovery time. I loved it! I know I ought to be ashamed of myself of putting him through that agony but I absolutely loved it. He did too and openly admitted it.

We did find one cock ring that works well but I wish I could find the one with the clit stimulator. The one I found has two handles on the sides that make it easier to put on and take off.

Other than the quickie this morning, we haven't had a night like that but it was great and according to his crew leaders, he has been in a great mood all day. <grin>


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I understand that there is a creame called "Dr. Prolong" or "Mr. Prolong" or Prolong something.  Might work for him..?


There is one with like a thing that stimulates the clit, and makes you a little wider in girth (blood flow). I have never used one before, but someone at the castle I know told be about it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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suggest damnit!

I was looking at some with like a vibe on it to rub the clit that looks good.


I have a cock ring/sleeve that has a mini vibe on it. It can be positioned to hit her clit or you can turn it upside down and it will vibrate on you. Either way - its awesome and its even ribbed.

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I have a cock ring/sleeve that has a mini vibe on it. It can be positioned to hit her clit or you can turn it upside down and it will vibrate on you. Either way - its awesome and its even ribbed.


Cool I might have to look for that one.

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