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hello, i am new here and have been reading over the other boards and have come up with a question that i have yet to see on here. my girlfriend has had a baby 3 months ago and after her gyn put her on the birth control shot called depo. does anyone have any knowledge / info about this form of bc??

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well shes only been on it for 3 months and when she first got the shot she was also taking those calcium chews and she ended up with some blotches like she had a reaction to one of the 2. it didn't last more than a day or to so she wasn't to worried about it.if anyone knows if that could be a side effect that would help. the main problem that is ocuring is that when it comes time for her period it starts by spotting for a week to a week and a half, then it comes full blown for another week. just curious if this is normal or if it seems a little much. her gyn told her that there would be some spotting but was very non specific on what that ment

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Personally, I haven't. But I've had a couple of friends that have been on it, and they both regret it, unfortunately. They gained weight with it (excessive amounts), that they have had a helluva time shedding. They loved the convenience of the shot, but not the side-effects.

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I was on depo for almost 3 years between my 2nd and 3rd and have been on depo since my 3rd was born, which is 8+ years now. I LOVE it! I have read others accounts that weren't as lucky as I have been, but I don't spot at all, don't have my period and only have the mood swings every three months when I am coming off the shot and ready to get my next one.

I had problems taking the pill, it would make me nauseous, oddly enough, I also get horrible morning (all day) sickness when I am pregnant. The pill is estrogen and the depo shot is progesterone if I remember correctly, so they work differently and I have had ZERO side effects to it. I can't even contribute my weight gain to the shot, just laziness. ;)

I would suggest you have her talk to her gynecologist about her experience and she may not want to get it again??

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