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Pain After Ejaculation


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My husband has been having pain after ejaculation. I have been looking online to find out why it is happening. Everything I see says that he has a prostate issue. I'm going to have him get checked out, but I hoping that maybe it's not that and that I'm just doing something wrong. If you know anything that could be causing his pain after intercourse and BJ please let me know.

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Now, this is one that I would definitely go see the doctor about. Ejaculation should be pleasurable, not painful. There could be many things wrong down there, and it's hard knowing which one it is. He could have a bacterial infection, prostate issues, bladder infection....I'm sure many more things. Definitely go to the doctor very soon. I know my hubby is a big baby when it comes to going to the doctor, but the earlier something is caught, the better off, and more comfortable, your hubby will be.

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I had a very, very good male friend who started having this problem. He ended up having an STD, I think it was ghonnoreah. Anyway, he was put on antibiotics and had an uncomfortable "penile" cleansing, but was OK after.

Definitely get him to the doctor ASAP!

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