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The Downside Of This Flower Is The Buzzing Bee


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I have to say that if my vibrators are going to be pretty and girly I much prefer them to look like flowers rather then like little psychotic teddy bears. The Power Bud is a three speed bullet made out of that lovely velvety plastic that new toys have started to come in. If you can't tell from that description, I am quite fond of these new toys that combine the best of soft and hard, and this bullet has the advantage of incredibly powerful vibrations to set off its inviting exterior. That yellow daisy you see? That's the battery pack and controller. It makes me want to crack jokes about "exploring my inner petals," but it does make the toy more aesthetically pleasing than many. If it weren't for the terrible whining noise that the bullet makes when it's on, you could quite easily put the bullet where it will do the most good and clip the flower to your shirt as an accessory. Never would looking good have felt so... stimulating. Unfortunately, this is a loud toy. Worse it is a loud toy with a really annoying noise that gets higher in pitch and more irritating as you ramp up the power. The toy's other main flaw is in the battery department. It takes four watch batteries, and comes with eight, but the paper that tells you how to insert the batteries is not attached to the compartment and could easily fly out and become lost. In general, I strongly prefer toys where the battery layout is molded into the toy, so that I don't sit around scratching my head trying to figure out how to change them. To sum up? In many ways the Power Bud is an excellent toy. It's pretty, the vibrations are amazing (by far the strongest bullet of the three I own), but the noise is a pretty significant downside as is the battery set up.

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Noisy flower power, huh? Well, I'm glad it worked for you.

Did you leave the paper instructions in the controller, or did you take it out? Is the whining in the bullet, or the controller itself?

Great review, honest, and informative.

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Noisy flower power, huh? Well, I'm glad it worked for you.

Did you leave the paper instructions in the controller, or did you take it out? Is the whining in the bullet, or the controller itself?

I left the paper in the controller, and hopefully I won't lose it when it's time to change the batteries. Fortunately, unlike with the last toy where I had this problem, as long as you don't lose the paper you're ok since there's only one way to read the diagram. And the whining is in the bullet. If you could put it in a soundproof room, the controller would be utterly silent outside :)

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I like strong vibrations, but I don't really like loud

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