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Polly The Clit Diddler


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Out of the box comes Polly the Clitty Diddler. Pink & cute, this jelly bird doesn’t wanna crackah, it wants to please ya!

This toy doesn’t only brag about being a strap on toy, with clit AND labia stimulators, but also a string of anal beads for a tail. Hmmm, very interesting! I haven't had a lot of luck with strap on clit stimulators before, so, I was a bit skeptical of the whole thing, but I definitely was up for another shot.

I inserted my 2 AA batteries in the separate remote compartment, plugged the cord into the controller, and got the buzz on. 2 settings to choose from and both are pretty strong, which is good for this girl that prefers the stronger vibes. Since the bullet is Polly's belly, you get the most direct vibes just where you need them! For stimulation, you have Polly's beak, then nubbies on the belly, AND the anal string! 3 is my lucky number!

The nylon straps are adjustable, which are great, comfy, and easy to put on. I get Polly strapped on, and then, with some doubts, I put some lube on the string of multi-sized balls that make up the anal stimulation string. Those are also made of jelly, and I thought that they’d be too flimsy to go inside without help. Boy, was I wrong! I lubed it up real good, and was able to push the larger ball at the end first, and then the smaller one slipped in, and so on. I was able to get 4 balls up inside of me, with the toy strapped on.

I turned on Polly, and let her peck away directly at my clit, just as I like it, while feeling the vibes slightly, thru the anal string. I’m still fairly new to the whole anal stimulation world, and these beads were not uncomfortable or hard to insert at all! They felt very good, in fact! Color me pink & impressed!

I was able to walk around a bit, before I just had to sit down, and have a clit orgasm, and, upon trying to get up again, Polly was insistent that I have another, so I obliged! Such a good bird!

Give yourself the Bird!!!

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Sounds fun, I might have to try that.

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I was wondering how that one works. Thanks for the info! And glad to know you can kind of multitask while using it ;)

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