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Why Is She Not Into It


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My wife is just not really into it. Im not sure what do do. its like she has no interest.

all she likes to do is cuttle. its like she doesnt have any erogionus zones, I tried her neck and ears she hates it, I tried her thies but it doesnt seem to do much. and when I touch her down there it just takes so long and it feels like im not getting anywere. when I rub her actual clit. its to much that it hurts. what am I supposed to do. and she gets grossed out from pre com. she happens to be on the pill could that be a reason? is there anything she can take that will help?

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If she's willing to talk to her gynocologist, there are some lower-dose birth control pills that may (or may not) lower libido a little less than the "full dose" ones do. I know that my gyno warned me that when I started on the pill, I might experience a decrease in libido (luckily, I didn't!). She could think about switching to something like Ortho-tricyclin low, mircette, or yasmine/yaz, to name a few. I'd also try to get her to read some of the articles here, and see many of Howard's posts: Sex is Adult Play Time! Hope that helps :)

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Several other questions come to mind here. Is her religious upbringing a factor in her lack of interest in sex? Was she molested or abused when she was younger? Could she still be afraid of getting pregnant even though she is on the pill?

One thing that comes to my mind when you say that rubbing her clit hurts. The clitoris is sensitive tissue. Some women like a firmer hand, but some prefer a very light touch.

Just a couple of thoughts...

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There are a lot of factors that can decrease the libido, she needs to talk to her Obgyn about it and makes sure that there is nothing major wrong

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  • Newbie
If she's willing to talk to her gynocologist, there are some lower-dose birth control pills that may (or may not) lower libido a little less than the "full dose" ones do. I know that my gyno warned me that when I started on the pill, I might experience a decrease in libido (luckily, I didn't!). She could think about switching to something like Ortho-tricyclin low, mircette, or yasmine/yaz, to name a few. I'd also try to get her to read some of the articles here, and see many of Howard's posts: Sex is Adult Play Time! Hope that helps :)

Thanks for the response. she happans to be on yasmine, do you think is has to do with the pill though?

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