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Help! Vagina Question...


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I have a question. I don't masterbate regularly, but I did a little feeling around today for my G spot and I felt this large rough area right past the opening of my vagina, it similar to the shape of my cervix, but rough and close to the opening on the top wall.

Does this sound strange? I realize this is a question for my ob, but I thought those of you more familiar with the vagina than I might have some comments.

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However it feels to you, if it feels different from the rest of the skin in your vagina, its the G-spot. Congratulations, you have found it!

BTW, most people would not describe the tissue as " rough ", but more like " spongy".


Thanks for the reply Howard. I am worried b/c it feels like a nub, it protrudes... does that sound right?

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  • 3 weeks later...
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I would think textured might be a better description than rough. And yes dear I would say you've found it. Now I hope you have fun experimenting with your new discovery!!!

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Congratulations!!! Protruding is OK - Howard is absolutely correct that it could protrude if it's filled with fluid. Just recently I found mine was actually somewhat large and bulging at times... this just makes it extra special! If it protrudes during sex, it's more likely you're going to have an awesome G spot orgasm with the right positions (try cowgirl!).

If it's extra "Nubby," or very hard and protruding and you're not comfortable or still worried, go ahead and ask your OB - but most likely you got yourself really aroused as you don't normally masturbate. You can never be too careful these days, but if you've recently had an annual well woman exam and everything came back OK, there shouldnt be anything to worry about. If you haven't had an exam in the past year - go see your OB!!!

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