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Batteries For The Ohmibod


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I just got an Ohmibod, and I have a question about batteries. I am a BIG fan of the NiMH rechargable batteries available today - they're the only kind I own, and I get great performance with them in my toys - but I found that mine won't fit inside this one. I went out and purchased some regular Duracells, like the product info suggests for a better fit, but I'd like to know if I have more options.

So, to anyone else who has an Ohmibod: what kind of batteries do you use? What have you tried that didn't fit? (I tried both Energizer and RadioShack brand Nickel-Metal Hydride batteries - too big!)

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What SIZE batteries did you try? According the the shopping page, it requires 2 AA batteries. Brand of batteries shouldn't matter, since they go by SIZE and they're universal for more options for their batteries to fit.

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  • Newbie

Yep, I used AA. I didn't think brand would matter either... I can't even tell the size difference by looking at the batteries side by side, but the Duracell must be a tiny bit smaller because the fit is still snug, but they do slide in. The others just got stuck!

The product info that came in the box says: "We recomment "Dead Batteries" or Duracell for best fit." Really surprised me! I mean, I will still use the toy and I'm very happy with it otherwise, but, how weird. Never had this problem with a toy before.

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Many types of electronics are built around battery technology. I've seen this happen tons of times in cameras. While batteries are the same size, the way they're built is often different. In some, the positive end of the connector is more nubby and in others stubby. If the connectors in your product(I don't own an Omibod BTW) are geared toward one type of battery, you may have some issues with them being too snug when not using a like-shaped battery.


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