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Cumming Waaay Too Soon!


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Ok, I know this is a senstive subject but I am at my witts end! We got the toy subject covered and I LOVE the Femella!!! BUT now we are having the problem from day one. We didnt have sex untill after we were engaged. But now, I have been told numerous times that I have been really "tight" like a virgin... (as the Madonna song comes to mind) But anywho.... When we do have sex it feels great for about..... 5 minutes... if that.... hes not stressed, no high BP, and other than that hes realtively healthy.... I LOVE sex and everything he does but it leads to alot of frustration and a big mess when he uses his fingers to finish me off. Can someone please help me to what we can do to help him prolong this... OH! and by the way... this is even more of a sensitive subject... I like smaller.... dicks. i always have.. the bigger ones hurt too much. Can him being.... "short" have anything to do with us not being able to get pregnant???


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You have a lot going on here in this question, so let me try to address them one by one:

If you are tight - GREAT! Men love tight women, and if you are tight because you are doing your kegels, then this is also great! It is important to do them for your future health and urinary incontinence help in old age. Keep hoping you stay tight!

5 minutes for actual sex is NOT THAT unusual. The average time for intercourse (not including foreplay) is 10-15 minutes. WHile many men can go much longer, 5 minutes is close to the average. If you want him to last longer, then try some of the techniques we have discussed here. Start having sex...then stop. Let the pinnacle come down, have him start again. Try having him ejaculate first - masturbate - or go for 2 orgasms! Why not have sex more than once? Try cock rings. These can offer a lot of help with the longevity of his staying power.

He is cumming quickly because he is excited and it feels great to him. That is actually a compliment. Now, work on getting him to last longer.

UM, how about this for an idea......use towels, washclothes or shower after! Worried about the mess? Um, he loves you, you love him, so what if his fingers or the bed get messy. I am a CLEAN FREAK and I would not let this deter me from my orgasm! No way, no how. I suggest you get over that feeling of it being "messy" and just go for it! Have him finish you off with his mouth. Yes, he can swallow his own cum - many men do it!

As far as your love of small dicks...no, it doesn't have anything to do with an inability to get pregnant. The cum shoots out at something like 45 MPH, so no matter where he is measuring up your vagina, his little swimmers are getting in there and up there, I guarantee it. How long have you tried to conceive? It sometimes takes time. If it takes more than 1 year, go talk to your OB. In the meantime, I can not stress enough to chart your periods and find your ovulation time. This is the best way to find out when to have sex! Also, it is clinically proven that if you orgasm during sex you stand a better chance of conception!

Did that answer your questions?

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Well, let me congratulate you on finding a toy that works for you. Sometimes it takes a long time to find something that works for your particular personal tastes, so awesome for you!!!! :P

Him being "short" in length has nothing to do with his being able to help impregnate you. It's not like the longer the guy, the less the sperm have to swim. A man's penis can only go in to a woman's body so far. If he tries to go too deep (if he's long in length), it gets painful for a woman. Both people need to be fertile, the man producing enough healthy sperm to make it and fertilize the egg, and the woman's egg being healthy and the egg getting fertilized. Some people take a bit longer to get pregnant, so I wouldn't throw in the fertilization towel just yet. You're both young, and, I'm assuming, healthy, so just give that some time.

You being as "tight as a virgin" may have a lot to do with him cumming too fast. I AM NOT BLAMING you there. Your finance' sounds like he needs to practice holding off on his own orgasm. It will take a lot of time for him to do, but it can be done. And, when he gets it down pat, he'll be able to go for a longer amount of time. I'm sure the men on here can give some tips on what he can do to stop himself from cumming. I know what my husband does, when he wants to prolong sex, is he will stop, and just do something to me, keeping me excited, yet withdrawing himself from me.

Also, there should be nothing preventing him from keeping going after a short rest, or lots of oral action, to penetrate you again, and have sex with you to your completion. Usually, the second time takes a little longer to reach orgasm. It's not like he's got a orgasm limit of one per night.

I will give KUDDOS to him though, for being willing to help you reach your orgasm before he's officially "done". Some men don't care about their partner's pleasure, and just roll over and go to sleep. Awesome for him (and you!!).

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dionne- prhaps-a thought- start slower- make him start with a gentle touch- tease- bearly touch- proceed with oral- again tease- dont let him have what he wants- thats why he and U are not satisfied-trust me- he is not satisfied either- just because he cums doesnt mean anything!!!! Check his testostrone levels-blood- the doctor an give him liquid testostrone( a urologist) it will make him stay hard for a long time- alot- (trust me i know i use it)

and no a short cock doesnt help matters-(not that i am an expert on this subject) I have always been flattered- very long seems better than large!!!!!!! not circumcised also makes a male constantly wet- i am-girls love that- by the way i'm stil seeking a female to interact with my girl- she is very sexy- reset- beyond sexy- i think i miss two girls -tasting two at once(yes i know its not fair- however she wants to see sol_) i'm not afaid of losing her- she also has said she would let a man taste her if i would allow it- Wanted married couple!!!! hello? good luck on the other-go slow- dont give him his fantisy- slow it down......b

I live on lanier -she says she wishes to satisfy me- thats questionableeven i dont know what thats all about?? Am i wrong thinking that i could love her while she enjoys allowing a married man taste-mayb bearly touch her to my as she puts it satisfaction. I am looking forward to the female party myself- ie the tease....b

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