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Beginner Porn For Couple


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basically me and my wife just started watching porn together, and she just stares at the tv and laughs. i can't say i blame her its more like slutcore than hardcore, i remember when i was a kid and that sort of porn used to do it for me.. but it doesn't anymore.

please recommend some good romantic/erotic porn

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Check out the Adult DVD section above -- there are many, many flicks to choose from! I can't think of names off the top of my head, but there have been a few "couples oriented" DVDs reviewed recently.

By the way, my husband and I watch porn together and we ALWAYS laugh at them. Oftentimes, they'll get us horny as well as giving us a good chuckle. We have fun with porn, giggle and point, get a little aroused, and when we start at each other, we're in a good mood as well as worked up. It's all about having fun and that's how we use them, as fun. :)

Good luck!

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I just reviewed this one which I would say is very much more oriented for women and beginners: http://forums.tootimid.com/index.php?showtopic=3699

Emily (our porn flick guru) as well mentions that this is a new line of movies that TT is now offering.

She mentioned Lennox films being one of the main distributors. Here's as well a link from the site for Lennox film productions: http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct....y=0&Page=1

Have fun!

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Most porn has been geared towards the male poplution, since, that's the majority of the purchasers. This has been the "norm" for years. It's hard, but not impossible, to find porn that is a little less "hardcore" and a bit more erotic. I'm a woman, and I love porn. But, I have to be in the mood for it, I don't like violent ones, and I like the newer stuff (late 90's+). The older stuff just brings flashbacks of big hair (north AND south), liquid gold, and a profusion of makeup! LOL

I reviewed one a while ago called Island Fever 4 which was really good. Not romantic, but not a WHAM-BAM-THANKS-A-FUCKING-LOT-MA'AM either. Check out the DVD. My review is on that, and in the DVD Review section (which the review in the forum is a bit longer, since we have a 2000 word max limit. Which is HARD, if you really really like something!!).

Remember, when watching porn, you really should be IN THE MOOD for it, otherwise, if you're not, you either end up saying "whatever" or laughing. In a way, laughing is a good thing. It shows that your lover knows that porn sex isn't the same as Real Life sex.

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Did someone say my name? My wisdom will be quick because dinner is in the oven... mmmm chicken pot pie. Any woo yes we just added a line of DVDs that are very couple and women friendly. The films are 'romantic' but still erotic.



Aqua Erotic

Velvet Thrust

Has your wife given you any input on the type of films that she might like to watch? Now i had seen my share of 'adult flicks' before I met the bf, but even still half the fun of watching a porn together is picking one out! (i now have complete control of which DVDs we watch but hey its a perk of my job, ha ha) Maybe she would like to try watching Girl on Girl, or does she like 'porn with a plot' it may take a bit to find something that suits both of your needs but it could be a lot of fun along the way!

Have a great night everyone! I hope this helped!


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