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Hello, I am a 52/mm. my wife had told a while back that she sometimes wished I was a little more well endowed. So recently while on vacation we went to an adult store and she picked out (very large) extension for me to wear. We tried it and it turned out that it was actually too big for her to handle comfortably. So now I am looking for advice on extensions to purchase which may be not quite so huge. I have been looking online but it is confusing. We dont venture into any local adult shops. I will appreciate any help or advice. Thanks in advance.

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I think a good starting point would be the sex toy area of this forum. There is a large amount of personal testing and trials by some of the people on these forums. You might want to tell us what the size of the one you bought was and what exactly your SO's complaint was about. Be it width, girth, length, or maybe even just an unnatural look to it that turned her off. These may be helpful in pointing you in the right direction.

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Another question would be how well did you prepare her before trying? If it was a particularly large extension and something she isn't used to accepting she would have need to relax before hand. This typically means several orgasms before insertion and probably a healthy dose of lube.


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I have to agree, just saying "too big" isn't overly specific. Was the extension too long, to wide, or was it just that she wasn't ready for it fully? There are, of course, different lengths of extensions, so it's really hard to point you in the right direction as to what to do/get if we don't know what you have, and what she thought/felt was wrong with it.

Not only that, but it also takes practice to use extensions. You obviously can't FEEL the tip, so you don't know if you're "bottoming out" (hitting her cervix) unless she tells you. It's like learning how to have sex all over again! Women's vagina is meant to STRETCH, so, it just may take her some time to get use to the feeling of a larger cock inside her, especially where she's use to yours without the extension. I would suggest, if it's not causing her PAIN, that you practice, practice, practice, and, as Thurisas said, use lotsa lube! Lube with foreplay before hand (or cock), will help her feel a lot more pleasure & relax her!

I will give you lots of praise though, for wanting to please your wife. Many men would take her comment of wanting her lover to be a bit more endowed rather badly, and get pissed off about it. You, however, have shown that you really want to please your wife. And, I hope you know that she doesn't mean that she wants another lover, and I hope she appreciates your efforts!

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