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Trying Anal


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I am new to this site but enjoy all the good advice.

We recently started using sex toys (I didn't know what I was missing after 15 years of marriage) Wow! Now we really want to have some good anal sex, but the couple times we have tried it, it hurts. We do use lube and I am not afraid to keep trying --because I really want it. I'm not sure if it's angle or some other problem. My husband has a pretty good girth, but we have tried toys anally and it's awesome. Perhaps someone could give me some different angles or different positions. Has anyone else experienced this problem. Thanks

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It's good that you're willing to keep trying, because anal sex takes time. Your anal cavity is used to pushing stuff OUT, not taking stuff IN. As I'm sure you've noticed when you first started using anal toys, it's a whole different feeling that not only you have to get used to, but your muscles have to get used to, also.

If your husband is much wider than the toys you're using back there, I would suggest getting another toy whose girth is between your 'now' toys and your husband's size. Work your way up to the size of your husband. You don't want to force your hubby's size into you and tear yourself - OUCH!

Thankfully you've also already mentioned the second main thing with anal sex: lots of lube!! Even when you think you've got enough, squirt some more back there! You can never have too much, especially if it's going to help keep you from getting hurt.

There is a lot of anal sex information in both the Sex Education section (see the tab above) and in the Anal Avenue panel of these forums. Read, read, read! You're sure to find lots of greatly helpful hints.

And then, as the saying goes, "Try, try again!" :) Good luck!

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I didn't see in your post whether you were using the toys as a warm-up to your husband or whether hubby just starts probing with no prior contact. The anus is very tricky in that you may enjoy a toy right up to the time of withdrawal and it may decide not to open back up. Do no tbe discouraged though. There are inflatable butt plugs that may help you to stretsh your opening to the proper size to accomodate your lover. Fingers may help also. One thing I know that helps is anal rimming. If you have no hang-ups about this. Having your ass tongued will relax it and feel good also. Awoman actually turned me on to this joy. I loved her tongue in my ass!

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Hi bgirl,

I've said this before and I'll say it again:

Why not start with anal toys?

They are a girl's best friend - smooth, slim, soft, gently vibrating, beautiful on the eye, easy insert, adjustable in girth, etc...

There is a thread about this:



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