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Keepin' It Simple.....


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Was there something, ever so simple, or every day, that got you hot, catching you totally off guard?

What I mean is, watching someone drive a car, watching your SO shave, seeing a cop pull over a speeder, or a stockperson stocking shelves at the local grocery store?

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OMG Yes, and it happened when I was in the drive-thru at jack-in-the-box (btw Tyger you should go and take a look at the new eye candy that works the window). I don't know what it was about the guy but when he leaned out to give me my change it was just....oh.

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Walking into the bathroom of a friend's rented condo. The shower took up a whole wall, the floor was dark irregular slate, and the countertops were all granite. All I could think about was how luxe the whole thing looked, and how hot it was making me!

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