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Asking For Anal From A Woman

Upright Guy

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Please help me with an issue I have with some of the women I go to bed with.

I have an active sex life with a number of great women. In all these relationships,

the women all are very open-minded sexually. They love just about everything, including

anal play with toys and plenty of anal sex with me. They don't just do it for me, they

seem to even have better orgasms from anal sex.

My issue is that the same women who enjoy getting it so much are really shy about using

anal toys on me. Its not an issue of cleanliness -- I usually start sex in the shower -- it's

more like they are unsure what it says about me as a man. ("Shouldn't a REAL man leave

his ass alone?")

I'm not gay or bi, but I really have better orgasms while being anally stimulated, and it

seems they should understand this, right? I've been with a few "escorts" over the years

(at parties, etc.), and these lovely women understand it feels great for some men and

have been great at it, but what's the deal with their "non-working" sisters?

Any insight will be helpful.


Upright Guy

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Hey, this is so the norm attitude for so many women (and men) to take: you aren't a 'real man' if you like anal stim! I have to commend you for not only admitting this, but also for asking the question. This is something that I have talked about often - how to make men feel less stigmatized about liking anal play.

I think that these women have to know this: men and women are built exactly the same when it comes to the rectal area. The nerve endings are exactly the same - this is why anal play is an equal opportunity pleasure! Men and women can have the same expieriences with it.

Furthermore, of course anal sex does not make you "gay" or "bi" or anything else. If you like fucking women before anal sex, you will like fucking women after. Liking anal sex has nothing to do with sexual orientation. If a man is gay, he is attracted to men and the only way they can "consummate their love" is by anal sex and oral sex. If a woman needs reassurrance that her man is straight, then it is HER who has the issue and is feeling less like a woman. The reason I say this is, any self proclaimed, confident woman would not give a rat's ass if her man liked anal stim. She would gleefully oblige him in any request that gave him pleasure - including anal sex.

So, my advice, be upfront with what you want and desire and if you are willing to give it, they should be willing to reciprocate! That is my feeling - honest discussion, understanding and a willingness to step out of the comfort zone!

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listen dude, I was SOOOOOO against anything going near my butt - EVER. Now I enjoy anal sex quite a bit. I think that if I had this experience before I got married that it would be something that my lover would have to enjoy doing. so, in that spirit, tell them what you want and if they refuse either go without or get a new lover.


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listen dude, I was SOOOOOO against anything going near my butt - EVER. Now I enjoy anal sex quite a bit. I think that if I had this experience before I got married that it would be something that my lover would have to enjoy doing. so, in that spirit, tell them what you want and if they refuse either go without or get a new lover.


I keep wishing my wife would do this to me more often, so I end up doing it more in the shower a few times a week. It was a fantasy I had along time but the more I do it the more I enjoy it. I just glad I found a woman that was open minded to it. It seems to be getting more main stream with women discussing doing it to their men as a form of fantasy.

I think my wife would appreciate it if I removed my toys from the shower before guest come over. The feeldoe does sort of stand out. A few weeks ago my land lord almost discovered it when he went to inspect the bathroom for repairs.

So if you decide to try my route, please remove items from the shower unless you know for sure they will not be found


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