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Hi this may be a stupid question but here we go. Lets say I bit my cheek or lip on a Monday or Tuesday and it turns into a sore should I not go down on my wife like the coming weekend and or kissing. I would guess not. It happens not all the time but more than I wish and of course it's always at the worst time. I've always played it safe and played with her with my hands with sex and no kissing. I always wondered about if it's a bad thing or not?? Thanks.

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So, let me get this right, you have a cut on the inside of your mouth and you want to know if there is danger in going down on your wife?

First, if you are both monagamous (BOTH) and you are BOTH STD free, then there is no worry of transmission of an STD that way. IF you are unsure, then you should avoid it. You can get HIV, or other STDs through cuts in the skin or mouth when bodily fluids are exchanged.

Second, if you are wondering about normal bacteria - the fact is, we almost always have some sort of vulnerable spot in our mouth, and truth be told, you are getting the same bacteria when you go down on her and DON'T have a cut in your mouth. So, no worries on that account.

Third, if you are worrying about transferring something TO her from yourself via the cut - I would ask what that may be?

All in all, just because you have a cut in your mouth does not mean you have to hamper your sexual activities as long as you are both STD free!

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So, let me get this right, you have a cut on the inside of your mouth and you want to know if there is danger in going down on your wife?

First, if you are both monagamous (BOTH) and you are BOTH STD free, then there is no worry of transmission of an STD that way. IF you are unsure, then you should avoid it. You can get HIV, or other STDs through cuts in the skin or mouth when bodily fluids are exchanged.

Second, if you are wondering about normal bacteria - the fact is, we almost always have some sort of vulnerable spot in our mouth, and truth be told, you are getting the same bacteria when you go down on her and DON'T have a cut in your mouth. So, no worries on that account.

Third, if you are worrying about transferring something TO her from yourself via the cut - I would ask what that may be?

All in all, just because you have a cut in your mouth does not mean you have to hamper your sexual activities as long as you are both STD free!

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Hi there! We been together for 15 yrs. and yes we are both monagamous and std free. I'm not worried about her bacteria it's the other way around like if I had a canker soar and could give her any kind of an infection.

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Canker sores no, however, you will want to be careful if you or she get a cold sore, avoid any oral play during this time. Everyone has a type of oral herpes that causes cold sores, which CAN in fact, be transferred to the genitals. They never thought it could, but recent studies shows that it can.

It's great that you're so concerned and thoughtful about this. Kuddos to you!!!

Best wishes!!

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Canker sores no, however, you will want to be careful if you or she get a cold sore, avoid any oral play during this time. Everyone has a type of oral herpes that causes cold sores, which CAN in fact, be transferred to the genitals. They never thought it could, but recent studies shows that it can.

It's great that you're so concerned and thoughtful about this. Kuddos to you!!!

Best wishes!!

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