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What's With Women Having........

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I was watching that reality show, Dr. 90210? and this young girl, well not exactly a girl, she looked 20, was having a procedure done to have her labia removed. She didn't like the way it looked and it was interfering with her sex life. Her husband was there to have his balls lifted or something too. I've seen quite a bit of young women/porno actresses going through this procedure nowadays.

I've been thinking to myself why on earth would someone do this. I have a slightly large labia on one side (my second tongue) and stimulation wise it is fun to have when you are playing with toys. Just stimulating only the tip of the labia with a vibe can give you some awesome sensations. So I was wondering does it really matter to guys what a womens labia looks like. I sort of have a complex anyway about my pubic bone sticking out and looking deformed. I wonder how common that is. Am I a freak (well I am a freak :P) or is this normal? Is it that obscene looking from a guys perspective to go under the knife like that? And for a guy, would you really feel the need to have your balls lifted cause you don't like the way they look?

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It's great that you're comfortable with your own body! It really is!

I saw a similar episode. This woman thought that she had an overly large labia. Her labia's length also made sex uncomfortable.....that's the one I remember seeing anyway. Not only was sex uncomfortable, but she was so self conscious about it, that she had issues with it in every day life. Which, for people that don't have this problem may sound silly. I mean, nobody can SEE it, right? Well, if you THINK that there's something really wrong with you, it tends to show in every aspect of life. She may not have announced that she had a "big labia", but she was really bothered by it inside, so it reflected outside, make sense? THIS can be the problem, so, therefore, she wanted to have the surgery to feel "normal".

She may have even had a previous lover tease her about it, or make her feel "odd". Who knows?

Think of it as like someone having a huge mole on their nose, very noticable, and it may be very bad for their self esteem. People see it, they make mean comments as people shouldn't, but do anyway. They're self-conscious about it, and they think that all people think of them is The Mole Person. Chances are, they will either get it removed as a child, or, if their parents couldn't afford to do so, that will be their goal as an adult. Same idea.

We haven't walked a mile in her shoes....or would that be labia? Anyway, we don't know how it felt, or how she REALLY felt, so it may be hard to understand. However, I think that if she feels better about herself as a woman, she's not hurting anyone by getting it done, sex will actually be FUN for her and her hubby, and it boosts her self esteem, then she had good reasons for doing so, don't you?

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Personally, I LOVE a woman with large labia, visually and sexually. When I'm having foreplay with my wife and I'm barely touching and yet stroking her lips, she finds it very erotic as do I. To me, having them removed, and my balls lifted just sounds wierd...but as adults, I guess it's their decision.


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To my knowledge, the woman did NOT have them "removed" she has parts of them removed to make it more "normal" to her. They were very long and to HER bothered her during sex as they apparently got sucked into her vagina causing pain. So in this manner, it was not simply asthetic but actually practical for her to do so!

Yes, I am a Dr. 90120 Fan - preparing for that Boob Lift I am gonna get some day!!!!

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Can we spell O-U-C-H-?!!! I do tend to agree with the ladies here that if a person feels self-conscious about anything it will be picked up by those that he/she associates with. As for a man's POV, I may be prejudiced but I've never seen an ugly one. ALL men and women are different, but that says nothing about who's ugly or not. If you enjoy the way your body looks and feels then the hell with anyone who thinks otherwise. More power to you for having the confidence to say you love yourself! That is something that a lot of people either cannot or will not do. So consider yourself one up on the ones who aren't happy with what they were given!!!! BTW, if the ink shop just down the street from the bus terminal is still there please do me a favor and tell them that even after 20 years I still love both of my tats I got from that shop. I cannot recall the name but it was only a few blocks away and on the same street. I would very much appreciate it!!!!

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