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Toy Width - Opinions?

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So here's a question for you...

In your opinion, what's the ideal width for a toy? Specifically I mean an insertable toy, of course.

For myself, it turns out that I'm not a huge fan of something that's too wide or too thick; the only insertable toy I have right now is the Double Impact Vibe, which I really enjoy, which is 5 1/2" long and 1.5" wide--but even that's almost too much for me. I think anything more on the length would be uncomfortable, and same goes for the width. I'm wondering if that's just how I'm built, because sometimes it seems like I'm gripping it too tightly, so that the width is almost too unyielding. (This has never been a problem during sex, though...)

A lot of women seem to prefer something longer, though I'm beginning to get the impression that that width is plenty for many. Now I know that all women are built differently in that respect, as are all men, but do any of you have a preference for something that might sound a little on the "smaller" side to most people?

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I have to agree with you on the short and thin toys. Having given birth to a 9lb 3oz baby vaginally (with no meds or epidural) I have no need to reproduce that experience in my sex play. Personally I don't think that exercising your vaginal opening so you can accommodate a bigger toy is necessary. If you were having painful intercourse with your partner, then we have a different story (however, you said that that is not an issue for you). If you are comfortable with a smaller toy GO FOR IT!! God knows there are thousands of short thin toys out there for a reason...not everyone likes it thick and long. Kegal excercises will certainly improve your lubrication, strength, and ultimately increase pleasure for a future (or current) partner, but why agonize over a toy just because other women seem to enjoy it? B)

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I believe why Howard recommended Kegel exercises for Neesha is to learn how to control those muscles, so if she ever WANTS to try a wider toy, then she has more control over, not only tightening, but relaxing those as well. Which is always a good idea. Kegels help control those muscles, allow for easier, and sometimes more intense orgasms, and also tones them up so if you ever want to have kids, there's more flexibility & strength in those muscles.

I also fully agree with LoveGoddess. If you prefer a thinner toy, and that's what works for you, then why worry about what other's like and try to join in. I think that trying new things is always great, but, if you've tried a bunch of toys, and the thinner toys are your preference, again, that's why there are so many different shapes & sizes! B)

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