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I always love learning a name of some obscure/nasty/outlandish sex act and then finding out the definition...

For example, I just found out what "superman that ho" from Soulja Boy means

-It's when a guy cums on a girl's back while she's sleeping and then places a sheet over it so it drys to her back. So then when she wakes up the next day and tries to chase him, she's wearing a cape.

So how many others are out there? We all know Dirty Sanchez but what else??

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Where I agree with Howard as to the origins of most of these silly "sex" acts, I think that if this person likes learning about those kinds of things, then that's her perrogative.

Besides, that doesn't MEAN that she endorses them, or thinks that they're good, but, probably like I, she may find them revolting & amusing all at the same time. Hence her subject title "Just for fun". I'm a visual person.....and, even though if one of these acts were to be done on myself, I'd probably be pissed, I also can see them in my head and get a slight chuckle.

This is a place to feel free to ask questions about sex, so, in honor of her request:

Smurfing~not really a sex act unto itself, but it's when a man hits/taps a woman with his penis wherever he can and just cuz he can. And, yes, this one HAS been done to me. :rolleyes:

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I thought ya'll would like to know that a Dirty Sanchez is when a man and a woman engage in anal sex, then the man takes his penis and rubs it on the girls upper lip leaving a moustache. :)

Well, to go along with the post a 69 is when the female sucks the male's penis while he eats her pussy out. They use 69 because they are opposite directions of eachother.

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Where I agree with Howard as to the origins of most of these silly "sex" acts, I think that if this person likes learning about those kinds of things, then that's her perrogative.

Besides, that doesn't MEAN that she endorses them, or thinks that they're good, but, probably like I, she may find them revolting & amusing all at the same time. Hence her subject title "Just for fun". I'm a visual person.....and, even though if one of these acts were to be done on myself, I'd probably be pissed, I also can see them in my head and get a slight chuckle.

This is a place to feel free to ask questions about sex, so, in honor of her request:

Smurfing~not really a sex act unto itself, but it's when a man hits/taps a woman with his penis wherever he can and just cuz he can. And, yes, this one HAS been done to me. :rolleyes:

smurfing, that kind of like spanking you with a dick. I done that to my wife mocking them porn actors. Now that superman thing sounds comical. I prefer to be told to lick it up personally( sort of like snow balling) but I doubt it gonna be sticky enough to act as adhesive.

I won't comment on the dirty sanchez thing, that as bad as a ATM


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Well I think "tea bagging" is obvious so how about hallway sex? It's where you walk by each other and say "Fuck You"! Recommended only for humorous spouses and time issues!

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No, I don't know what a Dirty Sanchez is, and really don't care. Most of the " names " you describe come from men with little boy minds, who want to return to the days when all sex is " Dirty ", so that they can get a bigger thrill from doing something that is forbidden " fruit ". The names they come up with usually refer to sex acts they INTEND to be degrading, or at least see as degrading, whether their partners do or not. Sex is NOT about giving pleasure to a partner: ITS ONLY about getting your rocks off. Hence, my comment about minds of little boys. IMHO, men who think like this are in a state of retarded development, and are stuck on Sex is Dirty. That comes damn near being " Stuck on Stupid ". You can't fix Stupid, says Ron White, the comedian!

You cannot possibly keep up with all the new " names " that little boys give to talking about sex. They can't talk about sex maturely, ( some women can't either), so they come up with all kinds of euphemisms, or definitions or synonyms for the words more commonly used to refer to sex. I have seen lists that go on for pages just listing all the words that have been used in print to mean " Fuck ".

Life is way too short to worry about all this, much less try to memorize all the slang.


I always check up on these things way too late to make any kind of clarification but for my piece of mind... I'm going to re-explain myself.

The reason why I asked is because now a days there is so many ridiculous names of sex acts that describe just as or even more ridiculous sex acts.

Now I'm not really talking about just plain sex positions or things that are actually done i.e. 69, Doggy, Missionary, etc. I'm talking about the names you hear in obscure random stories that little virgin boys tell their friends when there lying about their sex lives.

Honestly the ones I've heard of, I don't think are actually real. I really do think boys just sit around and make up the most disgusting things they could think of and then put names to it.

Which is why I see no harm in laughing at them.

I mean come on... Boston Steamer? Dutch Oven?

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Pappy, you crack me up!

If y'all want to hear something really funny, I've never heard of any of these. Shocked right? Yeah, little miss been hiding in a hole her whole sexual life. It's great to get the kid out of the house, the cob webs out of my head and out of the boardroom! Back into the bedroom. I am realizing here lately just how much I've missed. Little quirky things here and there whether or not they're useful still helps me bring myself forward more with the world. So I don't mind a little of this once in a while. (hope this makes sense)

Thanks Howard for always chiming in as a REAL man. There should be more like you. You should not only teach the boys, but start with their fathers!

I know revengenever was just having fun.


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