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Shaking?! Eh Not Good!


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Ok, so after my triumphant victory on reaching my orgasm, I tried again this morning. I was slightly hungery but not enough to bother me. Everything was going fine, the breathing was starting to increase. I noticed though that my right leg was shaking. So I stopped for a minute and tried again. As last time, I get to a certain point then my leg shakes, I get a little tense and throws me off. The pain was too intense for this to keep happening so I (literally) tied my freakin' leg to the bed post. That only increased my pain and shaking since I couldn't move my leg. I wound up quitting after that.

What do you think it could be? Do you think it was hunger? I don't think it was the speed of the vibe. Did I do something wrong?



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Ok first off, pain is NOT good. Whatever play you're involved in should not hurt. If it does, stop.

Clitoral stimulation should not cause pain. You may have stimulated a nerve somewhere.

Try to find a position that doesn't hurt. Try doggie, or try laying on the vibe.

I'd really get a bullet for clitoral stimulation. They work great, are inexpensive and are a wonderful way to learn about orgasms.

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What, exactly, hurt? Was it your clitoris or your leg? When women masturbate (sometimes men too) we tense our legs (usually as we are thrusting our hips) and our muscles get tight - this can cause leg cramps! You can also have the shaking when you are about to orgasm. Your body excretes a chemical that can cause the shaking - so I wouldn't necessarily worry about that. I have had man a leg cramp during sex and masturbation. If this is the case, try to relax your muscles more, and don't spread your legs too much. Also, IF you happen to be 'over breathing' - you could be denying yourself oxygen, which can cause the shaking as well. Try to breathe deeply - yet normally.

Now, if it is your clitoris that has pain - try letting up on the vibe a bit. You can be pushing too hard. Your clit has over 40,000 nerve endings in it - and if you overstimulate it can hurt. Or, if you are having 'pain' while getting close to orgasm - this is known as the 'pleasure pain' - extreme pleasure can sometimes be misinterpreted by the brain as pain. In this case, slow down a bit as you are playing - take pressure off your clit - come down a bit - then back on, then off. This should help.

If the pain continues - go see your OBGYN - you should not have pain during masturbation or orgasm!

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I told Howard that I did fall and hit myself when I was little. I hit myself so hard that I was bleeding and couldn't pee for like a day and a half (seriously). He thinks that there may be damage but it's been a while and I could fix it.

But I was doing everything correctly. My leg weren't really that far apart (they were up like you're getting ready to have a baby except a little further) and I was breathing normally (I never really held my breath).

Myabe I was pushing too hard....or maybe I should reduce my speed some. To me, it did hurt but this was close to orgasm I believe. Maybe it was "pleasure pain" but it wasn't very pleasurable. My leg was shaking incredibly hard which bothered the crap out of me. I didn't feel too good after I completely quit either.

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If you were shaking, and it wasn't directly from the clit stimulation, I noticed that you said you were hungry, but not enough to "really bother you". Your blood sugar may have been low, causing your leg to shake. I say this because you also said that you didn't feel too good after you were finished either. Sometimes, people don't realize how hungry they are, or vitamin deficient their body is, until some sort of reaction happens with the body.

If this continues to happen, I would seriously consider that you get yourself checked by your doctor to see if you're lacking some sort of needed vitamin/mineral.

Best wishes!

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I still feel my clit pounding so I definently over worked it. But I do agree with you Tyger. I probably should have eaten first. Maybe drawing blood to just that one spot took away from the rest of me. I'll make sure I eat first next time and see what happens.

But if it persists then bleep yeah I'm going to a ob/gyn!! This CANNOT keep happening!!

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