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My Wife And Brother, Back In The Saddle Again


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It has been a while since I posted but I have some exciting update from my last post (as is outlined in my blog). It seems the tables have turned and my brother has begun to pursue my wife. He is not being aggressive with it and I still think he is hesitant. My wife says that they are enjoying allot of fun time together and are enjoying the flirty loving relationship she always dreamt of with him. I am happy that it is all coming together and that they are having such a great time with it all.

No pressure though, just let it be what it is. Very cool, I think! What about you? what do you think. Please share :D

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I'm.... honestly not sure I see a problem here, as long as everyone involved is happy with the current arrangement. Three happy, consenting adults? Then awesome! Just because that's not my ideal arrangement doesn't mean I get to decide that the same is the case for everyone.

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Let me preface this by saying I haven't read your blog, so anything I type is completely ignorant of what you've written there.

So, first, I guess HURRAH to you and your new arrangements -- if things are working how the three of you want them to work, then I'm happy for that.

The only thing that unsettles me a little (and I'm still trying to piece together WHY, so please don't take offense) is that it's your brother. It's not like SHE'S committing incest, so I know that's not the "ick" factor... and I seem to recall there are religions or communities where, for example, if a husband dies, the wife gets taken in by the brother's family.. or.. something...

I don't know... again, still trying to piece it all together in my mind, but it's not really FOR ME to do so. This is your/your wife/your brother's life and choices and as long as everyone is happily doing things of their own free will and no one's getting hurt, then hurrah for you!

(Kind of a bass-ackwards way of me to say it, but there it is. ;))

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My only hope is that once this 'arrangment' takes fruit, that you find your marriage intact. I am a woman who has had many different types of relationships - but I could not imagine having sex with either of my husband's brothers - I find it to be odd. However, that is my opinion, and if the three of you have found a happy little niche within the realities of the world, then good for you.

My advice is to be wary - men are competitive by nature, and if you brother decides that he 'wants' your wife for more than a night or two, you may have a fight on your hands! Remember also that it is you who has opened the door, so if this happens, remember where your anger properly lies (or doesn't!)

Also, is she still not using bc with him? I believe that children need to know, and deserve to know, who fathered them - so if this were to happen, please remember the innocent life that may be damaged by such an arrangement. What we do to ourselves is one thing, what we do to our children is quite another.

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Opinions? Thoughts? Oh my.

Other than what's been said, I truly can't understand WHY y'all thought this was a necassary thing to do.

If your wife wanted your brother, then she should've dated your brother. If either one of you truly wanted to bring someone else in, 1) it shouldn't have been a relative, and 2) you never should've gotten married in the first place.

WHY y'all have the need to keep all this "in the family" is wierd to me, as well as the thoughts of NO forms of BC. Not only are you risking everyone's health here (past and future lovers), but a possible baby being brought in the mix, well, for me, this just screams WRONG. But, again, that's me.

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