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Hello! New Here. What Do You Think About This As Rules?


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We have a date set and someone has been invited. The reservations are made and I'm ready (I think). I used an online dating site and I posted this in my profile (rules):

You must be willing to be present with my STRAIGHT hubby (sorry...gay guys do NOT turn me on). Straight/bi/lez women welcomed. I am not a lesbian or bi, but I have my curiosities. Will you be my FIRST girl experience??

No Married Men!!! Don't want to open THAT can of worms!

Ages between 25 and 40 only, please. (But I may be a bit flexible if you're hot.)

We are disease-free and you must be too. Even then, condoms are required, and you must bring them.

You may not stay the entire night, unless we are all awake. I don't want to be robbed as I sleep. It will be in a nice hotel at our choosing. Please get a room for yourself.

No means no. We will all establish safety words. No one will pressure anyone into something they don't feel comfortable doing.

Don't ask to do anything with one of us if the other steps out, unless previously agreed upon by all parties. If you ask to be with just one of us, you will be asked to leave and we will no longer communicate.

We can only pick one person and it may not even happen unless we all "click". And even then, it may be a one-shot thing. We may or may not want to repeat it. We are not set in stone as we have never done this before.

I might add more "rules" later on. It sounds restrictive, but we have discussed this in depth and if we are serious about it, you must be too. The first meeting, there will be nothing but socializing in a public place. We will then decide to go futher or not & you might get lucky that night.

Should there be any other rules? ANy other suggestions? TIA!


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I think that these rules are a great start.

One of the ones I'll critique is the condoms one. NOT that I'm saying that condoms shouldn't be a definite part of your play, because they should be, however, you and your husband know which ones work for YOU, and since you're 2 and the one you're bringing in is just ONE, I would say that the couple should be responsible for the condoms. If the third person comes in and has condoms that she prefers too, and they work for you, bonus!

Saying you are not bi or a "lez" isn't really required. That would come up in conversations. So would the "one-shot" thing. It's good to establish that this is an experimental thing, but after that's established, then any more said is overkill. But, this is only my opinion.

I would just say something like "looking for another woman to join in our married curiousity" or something along those lines. That pretty much says what you're looking for. The whole age range, but then having flexibility if "you're hot" sounds a bit shallow, especially where at the bottom you say that y'all have to "click" for it to work out. Granted, you're not looking for a lasting relationship, however, you want to "click". It's a bit confusing, IMO. If you have an age range, stick with it. What are you gonna do? Card them? Age is just a number. But, again, your choice.

Setting ground rules, like only wanting to have this as a 3-some, and no sneaking kind of thing is a great idea. VERY upfront and honest. That's always great!!

Ok, so that's more than one, but just wanted to say that. I've never had, been in, or advertised for a 3-some, so I may be totally way off base. Good luck!!

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  • 4 weeks later...
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I think that these rules are a great start.

One of the ones I'll critique is the condoms one. NOT that I'm saying that condoms shouldn't be a definite part of your play, because they should be, however, you and your husband know which ones work for YOU, and since you're 2 and the one you're bringing in is just ONE, I would say that the couple should be responsible for the condoms. If the third person comes in and has condoms that she prefers too, and they work for you, bonus!

Saying you are not bi or a "lez" isn't really required. That would come up in conversations. So would the "one-shot" thing. It's good to establish that this is an experimental thing, but after that's established, then any more said is overkill. But, this is only my opinion.

I would just say something like "looking for another woman to join in our married curiousity" or something along those lines. That pretty much says what you're looking for. The whole age range, but then having flexibility if "you're hot" sounds a bit shallow, especially where at the bottom you say that y'all have to "click" for it to work out. Granted, you're not looking for a lasting relationship, however, you want to "click". It's a bit confusing, IMO. If you have an age range, stick with it. What are you gonna do? Card them? Age is just a number. But, again, your choice.

Setting ground rules, like only wanting to have this as a 3-some, and no sneaking kind of thing is a great idea. VERY upfront and honest. That's always great!!

Ok, so that's more than one, but just wanted to say that. I've never had, been in, or advertised for a 3-some, so I may be totally way off base. Good luck!!

Sounds good to me. Your rules were a lot like mine. A lot. You should read some of the posts and comments I've gotten. Maybe it'll give you an idea of what you are in for. Mikayla wrote an article about this that is very good too if you haven't read it I would strongly suggest you do so and don't be afraid to ask any questions. You may not like some of the responses but at least it lets you view the Whole picture and not only your side. Also. I was shocked when I read that about the condoms. What if the girl coming poked a hole in one with a needle? It'll probably never happen but that's not to say it couldn't. This day and time it's better to be responsible and to take care of your own safety instead of leaving it up to someone else. Let us know how it goes if you want. I know I for one would love to hear because me and my hubby have been discussing one as well. Good luck and best of wishes.

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