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Someone Talk To Me... Im Lonely!


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So I'm home alone tonight, and lonely. And when I'm lonely all I do is think about the things going on in my life, which isn't good at the moment. I'm sad tonight, and I hate being sad. I know that there is a reason for everything, but I'm having a hard time finding a good reason of why I had a miscarriage. Maybe I just need an outside point of view. I'm sure there is a good reason, I just cant find it yet. Sorry if your tired of me talking about this, but its the only thing on my mind at the moment. Well I love ya guys, look forward tho hearing from you soon.

Always and Forever,


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I'm so sorry to hear about you miscarriage, and being so lonely. I understand how you feel, I have been there. It's so hard being alone and going through something like that. Not having anyone to talk to, even if there is a dozen people around you telling you it's gonna be ok, you still feel so alone. I have had two miscarriages, one after my first son and one after my second son. I thought I was pregnant for about a week or two when I had my first miscarriage, so I wasn't far along at all. and the idea of another baby so soon after the birth of our baby my husband at the time was not happy. I was a little apprehensive but there is nothing greater then the feeling of a child growing inside of you. It happened so fast that I didn't really have the opportunity to really miss it. the second one was very different. I got pregnant and new I was right away, it was still a precious feeling and it too ended so fast. I still wonder what would have been if I had had that baby. it turned out to be more of a blessing though. God had other things in store for my future and I am now thankful for what has come. There is never really anything anyone can say to take away the feeling of loss and saddness but sometimes someone can help you to get through it a little easier than on your own. I am sorry once again, I will keep you in my prayers. God bless you ~Sara

if you ever want to talk I am hear to listen

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I don't know if this is any comfort to know, but up to 80% of miscarriages are caused by genetic abnormalities in the fetus... biological systems aren't perfect, and often times the simple truth is that miscarriages happen because the fetus simply wasn't equipped to survive, and there's absolutely nothing the mother could have done to prevent it.

I hope you start to feel better about things soon, I know how it can be when you have too much alone time to think about things. Find something to keep you occupied and keep your chin up :)

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Honey, I am sorry that you lost your baby. I hope that you have family & friends around that you've told about this, and are there to help you out. And, Nature being as it is, everyone here is correct. Miscarriages happen a lot, and there's NOTHING you can do about it. Even if you were told "Bed Rest", you STILL could've lost the baby. For some reason, your body said that now was not the time for you to have a baby.

At such a young age, I'm not sure why doctor's diagnosed you unable to have kids, but, as mentioned in your other post, MANY people have been told they can't have kids, and they've gone on to have one, two, even three. So, unless you go to a fertility specialist later on, when you're completely ready to have kids, then I wouldn't be ringing the Doomsday Bell on that aspect yet. My hubby had surgeries on his testicles when he was a baby, and was told that he'd never be able to have children. Well, he has TWO now!!

Anyway, please keep in mind there was nothing you could've done, and, as hard as it is, please don't blame yourself.

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God's Flower Garden

Tho' He takes the full-bloom flowers'

Dropped and withered that need His care.

Still He needs a bud or blossom

To scatter with them, here and there.

So he takes a few choice blossoms,

Just the rarest He can find,

And because God needs them up in heaven,

Must comfort loved ones left behind.

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Sometimes things just are what they are my sisters and I were all told due to having scar tissue from rape we would never have children, I have 3, my siters have 3 and 1, it is possible one of my sisters boyfriends was told there was no chance he would ever have children as well (3 kids I think not) I also had a tubal pregnancy I knew nothing about turns out I was gettting PG on the shot and miscarrying my body could not handle the hormones, I have had 2 since!! life comes at you so fast over time you will begin to heal form this and mabye even have children of your own. (as tyger pointed out try another doc) there are many things in life we cannot control and I do understand your loneliness, you haven't said how far along you were? I can't begin to tell you how to feel but please give yourself time to grieve, I would suggest looking up miscarriage message boards as well there are alot of poeple who have been through the same thing and would be better at helping you through it..

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Well, I'm glad that you wrote what you wrote, because I was raped when I was 5 then 3 times when I was 17. I was told the reason I cant have kids, is because of the scar tissue. I was almost 4 months when I had the miscarriage. Kim, the poem is beautiful thanks so much for posting it. And everyone thanks again for your kind words. As far as family goes, my parents don't really talk to me, cause I had sex before marriage, as far as I know my mom was happy for the miscarriage. :angry: Anyways, I love ya guys and thanks again.

Always and forever,


Sometimes things just are what they are my sisters and I were all told due to having scar tissue from rape we would never have children, I have 3, my siters have 3 and 1, it is possible one of my sisters boyfriends was told there was no chance he would ever have children as well (3 kids I think not) I also had a tubal pregnancy I knew nothing about turns out I was gettting PG on the shot and miscarrying my body could not handle the hormones, I have had 2 since!! life comes at you so fast over time you will begin to heal form this and mabye even have children of your own. (as tyger pointed out try another doc) there are many things in life we cannot control and I do understand your loneliness, you haven't said how far along you were? I can't begin to tell you how to feel but please give yourself time to grieve, I would suggest looking up miscarriage message boards as well there are alot of poeple who have been through the same thing and would be better at helping you through it..
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Please don't take this the wrong way but you should really seek counseling or therapy of some sort to learn to cope with all that has happened. It takes a lot to make me say this since I am not a fan of these people but I think you need someone to express your anger and frustrations with. Even if it is a friend or family member you have to get these emotions under control. There is no way to change the events that have happened but you can control how you deal with them. I think all here hate to hear of fellow TT'ers in these situations. I hope things get better for you.

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I have already had the PTSD diagnosis. I did see a therapist at one point but the girl was fresh out of school and knew exactly NOTHING other than what she read in a book. And their major thing was pushing meds. I refuse to believe that this cannot be dealt with without some magic pill. I did cave to it for a bit but they just made things worse. New side effects with each one and none did anything noticeable to fix the original problem. As I had posted it does take a lot to make me say that someone should seek this. But I do think it would do her a lot of good to find someone who she can trust to vent all of her anger and frustrations to before it develops into something worse. I can count on both hands the number of times I have left my house in the last year. I know how bad this can be!

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it may be a good idea to find a councelor and like I said before try finding a message board it will help to get it all out!! I have had councelors in the past that tried to make everything in my life about what happened to me and I knew better when you find one your comfortable with it will be well worth it feel free to PM me as well I am more then willing to listen and tell you how I dealt with things.

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