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Hi everyone!

I'm a newbie here. This is my first post. I joined this board in the hopes that someone might be able to help me find what I am looking for. Here goes:

I want to make a sex tape. I want to record myself having sex. However, I don't want to do the standard tripod video set up in the bedroom. I want to go ALL out and make my own little personal video look like professional porn. Have any of you every heard of legitimate companies that you can hire to do this? I'm NOT looking to get into porn. I simply want to tape my partner and myself having sex... but I want it to look professional... with great lighting and different camera angles.

I have searched online for places that do this sort of thing but have come up with nothing. I remember reading in the LA Weekly about a company (years ago) that did such a thing... but sadly I cannot remember their name. I'm in Los Angeles, so they would need to be local... but ANY referrals would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks & spanks! :)

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Welcome to the fourms!

Being in California, you're in the PERFECT spot to find a company that will do this! I don't know about Cali's geography, so, I don't know how far it would be for you to go to the San Fernado Valley, but that is the porn capital of the US, so you may want to try there.

Or if you know anyone in film school, have them set up about 3 cameras, and then you can help splice together a movie since they'll have the Know-How, and they wouldn't really need to be there.

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You are really close to San Fernando, so I'd definitely check out your resources there. You might look into video production companies in the San Fernando Valley (even in the phonebook)and just start calling them to get quotes over the phone. You could try looking in adult gigs on craiglist, or post there for that matter asking if any one had LOCAL resources. And then just start figuring out your budget.

Good luck!

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