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Retrain That Puppy!

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One year ago I included a set of handcuffs in hubby's Valentine's gift. Being the fuddy/duddy that he is he took one look, shook his and said "You're crazy, no way" so I put them away in the bottom of the toy box (which if about to overflow at this point). Fast forward one year to this Valentine's Day....amazing what a year of intensive training can do to cause an attitude adjustment. Now he looks up and is all for it....so I proceed to cuff him to the bed and work him from head to toe over and over again. It's quite the power trip to be able to suck/fuck even a spent dick back up time and time again! (I really am VERY good at this actually!) Left him totally spent, weak and shaking but with a big goofy smile on his face. Anyway the point is apparently you CAN teach an old dog new tricks (at least if it benefits him).

Looking forward to my turn in the cuffs, but alas that will have to wait for another day. Hmmm, this might be just the occasion when a little girl on girl time might be fun. Never really considered that before coming to TT, but as stated before, there are some hot and interesting women here that make the idea sound more and more intriguing. Of course at some point I'm gonna have to have a nice hard dick in attendance (preferrably one with some staying power), but that's just me. AAHHH a girl can dream can't she? :rolleyes:

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I am SO happy that you and your hubby are able to be open-minded enough to try new things, and are able to reap the benifits so easily! I loved the "left him totally spend with a goofy smile" comment!! What a riot!

My hubby use to be really close minded in the bedroom too. The thought of anal sex was a resounding "Aw helllllll naw!!!". But, once we tried it (at his suggestion), he has really come to enjoy it. Even having special "alone time" with himself, the shower, and a favorite anal toy. He also use to be the kind of guy that cound NOT understand the fun of adult toys in the bedroom. Thankfully, he's changed his views on that too!!!

Happy playing!

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Yeah for him he has made some progress. I'm pretty sure I have been blowing his mind over the past half year or so bringing in the toys, porn, and picture sessions that we NEVER did in our younger years. He jokes that I'm having a mid-life crisis, but damn if it ain't fun! Believe it or not he's still so spoiled or repressed (or a little of both) that no matter how much I tell him he needs to, he doesn't go for "alone" time....says that's what he has me for. (This does not sound possible or true, but with him it is....how sad!) I haven't yet been able to convince him the more he works it the more he'll want it, but hey.....the lesson continues....

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