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My New Rating System


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So, you know how, on the product page, we have a rating system, well, I’ve decided to do a rating system for my reviews on the Sex Toy Review Page on forum, & in keeping with my "tiger ways", I’m doing a 1-5 paws up or down gauging scale, 5 being the highest.

Now, this is just for me, and if you want to do it yourself, and personalize it to your SN, personality, or whatever, feel free, but this is NOT mandatory.

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Oh I'm doing it lady. I'm gonna do it on a 1-5 scale of spicy! - Being that I am a spice ;)

But I think you need to reserve for the number 5 maybe something special? Like 5 paws and a growl? ;)

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You got it babe! And if the toy's REALLY good, 5 paws, growl, AND a back arch!!! :P

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Hmmmm....what can I do? I have done '2 nips up' but that is not really enough 'nips' is it???? I think I will do "Os" - on a scale of 1-10 Os. OK, that will work. Cute idea!

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Ooh Tyger likes to scratch! And uh oh, Mikayla's showing her O face ;) I like it!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think I'm going to change it so it makes a bit more sense. It'll be a 4 paw rating system. Since tigers only have 4 paws. Bonuses can be either a back arch, tail flick, or all of the above!! LOL

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After some thought I think mine will be on a scale of 1-5 tea cakes.... ahahaha

and Anton says that since he is Irish he will rate products on a scale of 1-5 shamrocks.

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