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So yesterday, I lost my virginity... And it wasn't to my boyfriend.. I got drunk, and one thing lead to anyother and he was screwing me... I'm scared to tell anyone. Only my 2 closest friends know. What do I do?

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First, did you use protection, because if you didn't you had better address that issue. Get to your doctor ASAP and see about the morning after pill, sexually transmitted disease testing, HIV testing etc. Did you even know this guy enough to know if he was safe to have sex with? If you have ANY concerns about him and a disease, get tested.

Second, would this consitute a rape, or was it consentual? You said you were drunk and the next thing you knew he was screwing you...do does that imply your drunken consent? How old are you, how old is he? If this was a rape, you should report it...NOW...Whether you knew him or not. If you said NO, then it is rape. So, think hard about that possibility.

Third, if this wasn't a rape, and you knew what you were doing, then it is another situation all together. I don't know about you, but if I cheated on my boyfriend the guilt might eat at me until I told him. It is really up to you to decide what kind of relationship you want with this guy. One that lasts or one that is built on lies and deception. If you care about him, you need to tell him. Especially if this other guy took your virginity and the guy you are with believes you to be a virgin. It is pretty significant.

I am not trying to judge your actions....we have all been there, maybe not exactly the same situation, but probably pretty close. My number one priority where you are concerned is making sure you are not pregnant (unless you want to be) and don't have any diseases. I am also trying to discern if you were raped, which is very serious. So, give me some more information so we can deal with this.

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I guess I wanted to, so it's not considered rape... I knew him well enough. We're friends. But he is still in love with his ex, and I didn't know that. I don't know how to tell my boyfriend... I really don't want to lose him... He used protection, so I'm fine. It kinda hurts a little still...

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Good. Then the only thing you have to decide is if you want to tell your bf.

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