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Introducing A Camera Into The Mix


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My wife and I have been talking about starting to use cameras to spice things up alittle. However she still is a little hesitant to start yet. Does anybody have any ideas to help ease her mind and make things a little more comfortable for her. I ahve no problem with have a camera in the bedroom. I have been trying to convince her because I work nights 3 - 4 times a week and she works days. We both like to masterbate when we are in the mood and the other is a work and some steamy pictures or videos would be fun to watch or look at while doing so. I have tried to convince many times that i would rather be watching or looking at her while I'm masterbating if I can't be doing it with her or right in front of her. Any suggestions would be great, Thanks.

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Hi! Well, there's probably several issues that's probably worrying her (from a woman's POV).

Does she have a good "body image", meaning does she feel good about the way she looks? Yes, it's nice when your BF, DH, or SO tells you that you look good, but if you don't feel that you look good, then your self-esteem is going to hold you back from feeling overly comfortable in front of a camera. There's not a lot anyone else can do to change her mind on that one. She needs to work on that herself.

If she's never done anything like this, she may feel awkward as to what she may look like on film. Just remind her that, if she forgets the camera is there, while you're making love, then she will just be looking like she normally does without the camera, so there'd only be the difference of an angle and the fact that you can watch each other too.

If she is uncomfortable with watching porn (I dunno if she is), this may be a bit of a hard thing for her to let go. If watching strangers have sex is hard, imagine the self-critiquing that could happen while she's watching HERSELF!?

If she has had any "naughty pics" taken of her before, it may be a trust issue. She may worry who you would show pics and videos too. That will be on you to reassure her that it won't happen.

Please don't push her into something she really doesn't want to do. If she is willing and eager to do this, then have fun, but if she's hesitant, ask her why exactly is she nervous about this? If she says "I dunno", ask her to think on it, and you'll give her a day or 2 to think of reasons as to why, and then those specific issues can be addressed.

Anyway, that's some of my insight. I hope it's helpful. Best wishes!

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Tyger is pretty spot on with what some of the issues could be. A major part of this might be trust. It could be a "control" issue. She may need to know where these are going to end up and maybe has security doubts.

Something that might help is letting her have control of the situation. Maybe initially you set down some rules. For instance, she can review anything filmed or shot for the night. But perhaps you have one veto on something that you like that she may be self conscious about. Alot of this has to do with very open communication. She may not like a photo because she's not happy with an aspect. Yet she doesn't explain this to you. You're going to have to start asking specifically what she doesn't like, be it her body or the chance for possible exposure or maybe just that her face is in the photo. Be supportive and try and tell her why you love it.

You could try a tripod as well. That can help in making someone not realize the obvious paparazi nature of the event. Self timers are an amazing invention ;)

Its a difficult thing sometimes for people to look at themselves in this light. So go slow. Be supportive and continue to reinforce why you think she's a sexy thang!

Best of luck,


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I think Tyger was dead on with the TRUST thing. My gf is a fan of court TV and there are many cases where one person has shots that they always try to drag into somethng like this. Buy her a lockbox with only her having the key and then give her full control on this.

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