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Libido Lift Lubricant


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Ok guys, have any of you heard of L'Arginine? Well, let me give you a little lesson. L-Arginine has been used to aid with erectile dysfunction because it is thought to enhance the natural occurence of nitric oxide in the body - causing the muscles to relax and allow and stimulate increased blood flow to the penis. This was formally available in oral form only, but now is becoming available as a topial aid - as with this lubricant!

It is really a clever idea, to put it in a topical agent such as a lubricant. This puts the power right where it is needed.

I wasn't quite sure for whom this lube was for when it came in our last box. I knew L-Arginine was for ED, but I thought it might be interesting on my end as well. BOY was I right! This lube is not only slick, long-lasting, non-staining and non-sticky, but it also packs a nice tingly punch!

My hubby and I used this lubrication during our last lovemaking session and we were both THRILLED! I purposefully did not tell me hubby about what this lube was supposed to do - I sort of wanted to have a blind test. I slicked up his penis with the lube and then we got down and dirty. When the lube started to get onto my vaginal area and clitoris I could FEEL the tightness beginning. It was not overwhelming, but it was definitely an enhanced sensation. The blood was rushing to my clit and making me very excited - and it was cool and tingly to boot.

My hubby wasn't saying anything at first, but then he started to make some comments like, "boy are you making me hard baby" and "this lube feels great" - so I knew he was experiencing something too. Not that my hubby has ED, but he did notice a difference (if ever so slight) in the hardness factor. You know, you can't go wrong with a HARDER penis! We were both thrilled! Overall, this is a great lube for lube's sake - but the L-Arginine definitely gave us a little extra punch with our pushing!

Give Your Loving A Libido Lift

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I'm glad this stuff worked for you. I'm always a bit skeptical on these, having many that have failed before.

BTW, if you have any STD, such as I do, L'Arginine has been link to flare-ups with certain ones.

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Oh, thanks for mentioning that Tyger! I should also say that the oral form should not be used in persons who have either had a heart attack or have heart issues. Therefore, I would caution people who have heart issues to ask their physician before using this product as well - just to be safe!

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Thanks Mikayla :D It sounds great and I wanted to try it. I guess since I am a heart patient and have had a heart and surgery I better go ask my Doc. Thank you for the heads up!

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  • 5 months later...
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TLP9119-9main.jpgLibido Lift with L-Arginine

I have always been fascinated with how the body works, and the physiological process that makes the body physically ready for sex. That is why this product appealed to me so much. This lube contains L-Arginine, which is a natural vasodilator. (a vaso-what?) A vasodilator causes the blood vessels in your body to open up, causing more blood to flow into that area.

With more blood flow to the area, there is more engorgement of the tissue (more swelling, heat, and sensation) and they body lubricates itself more naturally in the presence of more blood flow. Add to that a long lasting lube as a medium to spread on this wonder-ingredient and you’ve got yourself a hit product!

Ok first off, what I didn’t notice was a quick “burn” or “pulse”. It spread on just like any other lube. The lube itself is a moderate thickness. By that I mean it squirts out easily like a thin liquid, but it won’t go running through your fingers while you are trying to apply it. It is not thick like hair gel, but seems to stay nicely wherever you put it, toy, pussy, penis, whatever. It is very slippery but tends to get a tacky feeling on your skin relatively quickly, so I suggest having a warm wet rag close by to wipe fingers before play, and for clean up afterwards. The nice thing I found is that as foreplay progressed (and the next day with solo play) I could feel an acceleration of the warmth and fullness of my labia as the blood flow began to increase. I also noticed more of my own natural lubrication. The lube itself, combined with good-old-Mother-Nature created a long lasting slide to pleasure.

It was not the sudden rush I had been expecting, but like love, takes time to be nurtured. Mr. SP didn’t notice any specific changes to his anatomy, but we fully intend to continue to experiment to see if he notices any difference with self play or with more concentration of the lube on him, rather than just second hand during penetration. I did, however, notice that he did seem extra hard and thick! It was a good ride overall.

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