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Under my forum name it use to read newbie, Now it reads Virgin.


sooo... I'm the Virgin Mary reincarnated?, Not likely...

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Yep, you get upgraded to different status levels after so many posts. Though, I guess Virgin status may be something none of us expected to ever see again!! LMAO

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" Ok, not sure what type of joking is acceptable"

To my experience, pretty much everything is okay to post. You may catch some crap for it but that happens with everything. :P Of course, keep in mind, I've only been here since whatever it says under my name...lol.

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I have no idea what the post amounts are for you to reach different statuses. I *think* that the first 49 you're a "Newbie", then at 50, Virgin. Then there are different statuses. It's just a fun little "title" that really shows how much you post. No biggie.

As far as joking goes, so long as you don't get insulting, show prejudice, or violent, then we're pretty much fine with joking around. Usually, if someone gets offended, they'll PM you.

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