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Hubby Doesn't Enjoy Oral

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My husband adnI ahve been married for 12 yrs. I love to give him Oral but he doens't like it and most of the time won't let me give it to him. He says he feels it is degrating to me but I have tried to tell him that I love doing it. Aslo he refuses to go down on me and I think that is one of the reasons why he won't me do it to him. Any suggestions?

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Yes I have a few suggestions, see if you can get him to come on and read the forums, if not participate just read. Go to the sex ed site on Tootimid and print out some things for him to read, get some dvd's. His attitude is denying him and you some great pleasure.

Sex Education Articles

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My husband adnI ahve been married for 12 yrs. I love to give him Oral but he doens't like it and most of the time won't let me give it to him. He says he feels it is degrating to me but I have tried to tell him that I love doing it. Aslo he refuses to go down on me and I think that is one of the reasons why he won't me do it to him. Any suggestions?

Sounds like he has the old "privates are private or dirty" idea. Hopefully you can work him out of that idea. Good luck!

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There is nothing more frustrating than a parnter who has hangups or someone who won't let themselves go and enjoy the whole process. Hope you can swing him around.....he doesn't know what he's missing!

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Mikayla's article's would be a good start here and you can print the articles to share with him when you two are alone together. There could be several reasons for his mindset but you should try to pinpoint why he thinks this way. Religion, parenting, lack of knowing how, etc... can all be a reason for this and he will not change until you educate him on what really is a beautiful thing. My current gf is the first to ever make me cum in her mouth which she used to spit out ASAP. That was more my thing than anyone's because one of my first gf's who loved oral absolutely would not let me cum in her mouth so I found myself holding back not only for the pleasure but also because I knew she would stop when I was abou to cum. I never asked her why but she freaked out when I first did it and told me to tell her when I was ready so she could move away but she would go right back down on me and go for more. It took a bit of concentration and knowing that this girl wouldn't stop before I could fully enjoy it. She's no longer allowed to spit it out and has come to love the taste and feel. I'm also the first guy to make her cum in my mouth and keep on licking till she has to fight to get away from me. There is nothing dirty about the human body and I'm really surprised that he doesn't show any interest at all. Shave it and take a picture for him and show him it isn't dirty at all. It's beautiful to touch, taste, look at, and play with.

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Mikayla's article's would be a good start here and you can print the articles to share with him when you two are alone together. There could be several reasons for his mindset but you should try to pinpoint why he thinks this way. Religion, parenting, lack of knowing how, etc... can all be a reason for this and he will not change until you educate him on what really is a beautiful thing. My current gf is the first to ever make me cum in her mouth which she used to spit out ASAP. That was more my thing than anyone's because one of my first gf's who loved oral absolutely would not let me cum in her mouth so I found myself holding back not only for the pleasure but also because I knew she would stop when I was abou to cum. I never asked her why but she freaked out when I first did it and told me to tell her when I was ready so she could move away but she would go right back down on me and go for more. It took a bit of concentration and knowing that this girl wouldn't stop before I could fully enjoy it. She's no longer allowed to spit it out and has come to love the taste and feel. I'm also the first guy to make her cum in my mouth and keep on licking till she has to fight to get away from me. There is nothing dirty about the human body and I'm really surprised that he doesn't show any interest at all. Shave it and take a picture for him and show him it isn't dirty at all. It's beautiful to touch, taste, look at, and play with.

Very well stated Pappy, I love oral, and swallowing my husband's and he loves doing that for me. We both look at it as we exchange saliva, so why not natural juices? There is nothing like the feeling of cumming in your partners mouth and watching them swallow.

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There are a lot of people who really need a good health/sex ed. class to see that these things just are not fact. It's like telling little boys they'll get hairy palms and go blind if they play with it. (There might be a tad of truth to going blind though *squinting to find magnifying glasses*). I know Hustler gave me Carpal Tunnel also but it also taught me about sex without hang-ups and every now and then a tip/trick was gleaned for future use. Though I'm still waiting on that busload of cheerleaders needing directions! This is a good place to start clear those myths out of the way so the next generation can build on what we leave for them!

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Let me ask you this, when you have done oral on him, does he cum? Does he stay hard? I do not know many men who do not like oral. This must seriously impact upon your foreplay - oral sex is a natural and healthy part of sex.

I hesitate to ever give the advice 'he is wrong, he should like it' cause we all have likes and dislikes, but this seems...out of sorts. Have you given oral to other men? Did they enjoy it? There is such a thing as a 'bad' blowjob (sorry, had to be said) - but then it wouldn't explain his aversion to you. I think Pinky hit it on the head here, he might have the 'private parts don't belong in your mouth' mentality - which can be a result of a strict upbringing. I would try to talk to him, share some sex education with him, tell him YOU enjoy sucking him and you want to - it is not degrading - try to reason it out with him! Oh, and don't let him get away with not giving you oral - that is not gonna fly either.

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I time that I have done oral he hasn't cum because We go from taht to sex and he likes to cum inside of me. He does stay hard while I am doing it. He wasn't raised to think it was wrong but he was a very zealous christian when we were teenagers. SO maybe that has somethung to do with it. He is the onyl partner i have ever had. So I don't know!

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OK, I was hesitant but I'll share. Either I'm really bad at giving head or my husband is not comfortable getting it. I've been with him and him alone for a long time, but I don't remember getting any complaints in the past. I have read the articles and have tried to be good at this. He is not religious and is pretty adventurous in other ways (toys, anal). Like your husband, BFB, he will usually say, no, it's OK when I go down on him. He says it feels good and that I'm not doing it wrong, but he usually doesn't want it or not for long. The other night he came to bed quite late and started getting me all worked up. I rolled over and started giving him oral. He said, "Actually it's quite late and we have to get up early. I shouldn't have started anything."

we quit in the middle of a blow job!! Maybe I am that bad. I've seen classes on giving blow jobs. If there was ever one near here, I would SOOO go to it. Anyway, just wanted to let you know that you're not the only wife dealing with this.

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OK, I was hesitant but I'll share. Either I'm really bad at giving head or my husband is not comfortable getting it. I've been with him and him alone for a long time, but I don't remember getting any complaints in the past. I have read the articles and have tried to be good at this. He is not religious and is pretty adventurous in other ways (toys, anal). Like your husband, BFB, he will usually say, no, it's OK when I go down on him. He says it feels good and that I'm not doing it wrong, but he usually doesn't want it or not for long. The other night he came to bed quite late and started getting me all worked up. I rolled over and started giving him oral. He said, "Actually it's quite late and we have to get up early. I shouldn't have started anything."

we quit in the middle of a blow job!! Maybe I am that bad. I've seen classes on giving blow jobs. If there was ever one near here, I would SOOO go to it. Anyway, just wanted to let you know that you're not the only wife dealing with this.

You know if that was me, and my husband stopped in the middle and was worried about the time I'd clock him. That would piss me off. Seriously.

I don't think it's you, sounds like him. And it's his loss.

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I know exactly how you feel because my husband is the same way and it sucks! Just know that your man isnt the only one with this issue!

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Why is it that some men don't love oral sex? It feels so good. I just don't get it. Mu husband says over and over how lucky he is that he gets it all the time and I swallow. And I feel the same way. What a wonderful intimate, loving gift it is when he goes down on me.

We both love it so much that we've made it a top 3 things to do when we have foreplay. It just took some heart to heart honest talk to have him know how much he pleases me and how much it means to me.

I think without it, we'd both be missing it.. alot.

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I'm a take it or leave it kind of guy. It feels pretty good. Sometimes it feels "eyes roll back into head" good. I've never climaxed from oral, though, and don't really see the big deal. I love performing oral on my wife though, and can literally stay down there for hours. Each guy is different.


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I'm a take it or leave it kind of guy. It feels pretty good. Sometimes it feels "eyes roll back into head" good. I've never climaxed from oral, though, and don't really see the big deal. I love performing oral on my wife though, and can literally stay down there for hours. Each guy is different.


I understand Thurisas, I know each man is different, I just wonder at couples that never even make a go at it.

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On 4/22/2008 at 9:56 AM, ButterflyBetty said:

My husband adnI ahve been married for 12 yrs. I love to give him Oral but he doens't like it and most of the time won't let me give it to him. He says he feels it is degrating to me but I have tried to tell him that I love doing it. Aslo he refuses to go down on me and I think that is one of the reasons why he won't me do it to him. Any suggestions?

Sounds like you need a boytoy.

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