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Teacher's Nude Pic Circulating Thru Student Body.


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Teacher Angela Flick and Her Topless Pix

One would think the end of the world has befallen us just because some school kids managed to grab El Reno, Oklahoma school teacher Angela Flick’s cellphone and bluetoothed her nudie picture to damn near every cellphone at the school.Now parents in the Oklahoma City suburb are screaming for Flick’s resignation in the least and a few hardcore rednecks may be looking to run her out of town on a rail, dressed in tar and feathers at the worst.

Flick apparently took the photo at home, police said.

Parents said the fact that Flick had the photos in school should force her removal.

“She should be held to a higher standard because she’s around all these young people, and she’s very influential to these children,” parent Ray Coat said. “There’s no reason she should be around these kids. If this is appropriate conduct for a teacher, we’ve got a major problem.”

Flick has not been fired over the incident, but parents are complaining.

Read it at Teacher’s Topless Photo Circulates Among Students Via Cell Phone and realize that Flick is dealing with what may well be a bunch of inbred illiterate rednecks.

To see what we mean just check out This Video

We rest our case…

This entry was posted on Thursday, May 17th, 2007 at 1:55 pm and is filed under Rednecks In Action, School Daze, Teachers Behaving Badly. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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I agree with you totally IHA. It's absolutely ridiculous to say that she should not have had her cell phone at school. Barring drugs and weapons it's nobody's business what she keeps in her purse or on her cell. You can still be a good teacher and have a life outside of school....people that are too hypocritical and self-righteous to accept that are idiots!

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This is in the same town as the pervert at Wal-Mart, about 25mi. from me. They raised more stink about this than the other story. I never saw the vdo clip since it's been pulled. Further reading says that she allowed a student to share some music she had on the phone and the kid does this to her. Pix are in a different area i think than music so they never should have intruded there. If the people believe this to be porn why didn't they charge these kids with possession of porn and invasion of this ladies privacy? I have a relative in admin at the junior high so I'll have to ask her what become of this.

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Exactly what I was thinking~what happened to the kid who jacked the photo?

Bet the parents are proud, raising a little creep like him/her.

Should we check the closet of the parents and make sure they don't have any toys, porn or a sex life?

If anything is found, it should be publicized at once!

Yeah, and when did teachers start having sex, or even a personal life? Is that allowed?

Sorry, sarcasm leakage!!

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The photos are in a different place on the phone. That little bastard steals photos of his teacher from her phone and SHE is in trouble? F that. What the fuck is wrong with teh world? Seriously since when is teh victim to blame? WHy are the innocent people getting trashed? Why do these retards backwards fucks get away with stuff? what kind of a world do we live in?

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Funny, teachers are held to 'higher standards' and get paid crap. One has a nude pic and gets crucified.

Actors/Athletes act like creeps and cretins and get paid assloads. One of them has a nude pic and gets front page news.

Ugh. Anyone else see something wrong here? :(

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I know a friend of mine has his masters and all that fun jazz, I know he holds two BAs and is going back for his second MA. But he barely got a job, not for lack of openings but for being "over-qualified" sorry but when it comes to teaching there is no such thing. Sure, she should be held to a higher standard, when with or around students. What she does on her spare time is up to her! SHould she have let the kid see her phone? Maybe not but maybe she forgot about the pictures? IT happens. I do it all the time, that's why i take a few seconds to dump my photos before i loan anyone my phone for anything.

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But Suzy, think about it~ should you really need to do that?

Shouldn't they keep their noses where they belong, not scanning your pictures, ect?

What is wrong with some people who think they are so entitled that normal rules of politeness don't apply to them?

Don't get me wrong, I understand WHY you do it, I am just b#*@&ing because you have to.

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I sure do... I have more education than most teachers, work all summer, get no vacation time, no sick time, have no health care plan, no pension plan, and get paid about as much as a FIRST year teacher...and I have been doing my job for 25 years! And guess who foots the bill? The US Government...'leave no child behind' my ass....they can't see the forest for the trees. Treating kids who have been neglected, physically and sexually abuse should pay a bit more, dontcha think? Lemme tell ya, I bet a teacher doesn't have nightmares about what their students tell them.

Bless you. Iha, those kids need someone like you.

I have a slip of paper that one of my 'kids' gave me a few years ago

On it is written 'who you are makes a difference to me'. I still have it in my wallet, and whenever I see it, I smile and wish her all the best in my heart.

She was a smart, driven girl, and I am sure she made her life into something good.

Those little things are what make the job bearable. Bless you, Bless you, Bless you.

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