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How Much Is To Much?

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I have a 8" dildo,and I am thinking that it might not be intended to be inserted to the balls. I would like the deep penetration,but I recently read that the vagina is really only 4" in length (something I didn't know),so maybe I am supposed to only expect 4" inches worth? Sorry if this sounds stupid,but I am inexperienced.

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The vagina stretches and elongates with arousal. I would just go slow, and see how much you are comfortable having inside you. The majority of the nerves are in the lower vagina, so deeper penetration may not increase the sensations you feel. Good luck!

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ToyQueen is right. Take it slow and give your self some foreplay and then hop on that bad boy and ride like the wind. I have no idea what that means. Any way, if peni (is that the pulral of penis?) couldn't fit past 4inches, why would there be peni bigger than that?

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The lenth of a woman's vagina varies with the woman AND with arousal. Some like deep penetration (to the cervix) and others do not. I have a long and strangely tilted vaginal canal, so I like the deep penetration. Others cringe at the thought of their cervix being hit. So, do what feels good to you and enjoy your playtime!

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As the AVERAGE(remember, every person is different) man is about 6" long when erect, a woman's vagina will elongate to about 6" long when aroused, too. Also, the vagina widen when aroused, just as a man's penis will widen when erect. So, like others have said, take your time, and only go as far as is comfortable for you.

As a former OB nurse, I would worry more about girth causing damage to the vagina vs. length(that might just hurt a bit from hitting the cervix, as it then jars other various female internal organs). The reason I say this is due to a little emergency our L & D dept. ended up having to deal with on the evening shift after all the OR personnel were at home and just on-call. We had our own OR's for our C-sections, etc., however, we were not supposed to do other surgeries, as we were considered a "clean" unit, and our OR's were reserved just for our patients. One night, though, we got an emergent phone call from the ER and one of our house OB docs asking if we could make an exception and use our OR for one of their patients, which with Supervisor approval, we did.

You see, a husband and wife came in to the ER with the wife having a vaginal wall laceration and in the process of hemorrhaging to death. MAJOR EMERGENCY!!!, needless to say. Hubby swore up and down that no toys were involved, he just used his hands and penis(hmmm...how were they used exactly to cause such an injury?? Ok, we didn't ask that.). Well, we(general OB staff, I wasn't her nurse as I had other patients) got her up to the OR and prepped in record time, and she got all stitched up nice and pretty and ceased to bleed to death. Whew! So, that's my big story on being careful with girth, or your hands/penis(gentlemen). As I didn't get to see hubby, I still wonder how big were his hands, his feet and his...?? :lol:

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Well, Tomnkiki's post is kinda scary, but extreme. I don't think that happens often at all, cuz that's the first I've ever heard of that, especially with a husband and wife who've had sex previously. I have a feeling that couple wasn't telling the full truth on that one.

Anyway, the other posters are correct, a woman is designed to stretch and bounce back from the stretching. Some women are more comfortable with a certain size, depending on how their made. Some women, that have tipped uteruses have either a harder time, or easier time with larger sized penises.

There can be pain when the penis/toy hits the cervix if you're not excited enough, or if your body can't stretch as much. A woman's uterus is made to go up and tuck a bit when the woman's excited. This is because mating use to be a brutal affair, and so, to make it a bit more pleasurable, the uterus goes up to protect itself (cervix too) and so that the sperm can travel up easier as well. But it can only go up & in so far. Again, depending on how you're made.

Please don't EVER think any question is silly or stupid. If you're trying to learn about sex, or anything else for that matter, unless you ask questions that you are unsure of the answer, how will you fully learn what you want to know? Feel free to pose more questions.

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TYger is right, we don't believe is silly questions, random perhaps, but no wrong question (or answer really as everyone is different). As far as TomNKiki's post goes, my guess if that he was telling teh truth they were attempting fisting and it went horribly wrong. 8" long and a couple of inches around? You'll be fine. Lots of lube and lots of "foreplay"

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