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Blow Jobs And Cum

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How do I say this right? I like giving blow jobs to very few and very select few people that I have been with. And even though I like to do it, I don't allow anyone to cum into my mouth. That to me, is just gross. I have been with several guys, and my husband was one that I could not give a bj too. I just could not go down on him and it became a problem in our marriage. I understand his want for it, but my stomach would just turn at the thought, and I did try, I almost puked on him. He was so mad at me. But I have been with others that I could go down on, so long as they don't cum into my mouth. How do I get past this fear or dislike? I really hate the taste of cum. And yes, I tried the candy deal, the Cool whip, chocolate, etc. but none of that covers the actually cum. It is embarrassing and I have this one friend that I can do things with no strings attached, and I can give him a bj, to a point, and he said I really need to find a way to deal with my inablities and fears and overcome them so that I could fully enjoy sex.

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How do I say this right? I like giving blow jobs to very few and very select few people that I have been with. And even though I like to do it, I don't allow anyone to cum into my mouth. That to me, is just gross. I have been with several guys, and my husband was one that I could not give a bj too. I just could not go down on him and it became a problem in our marriage. I understand his want for it, but my stomach would just turn at the thought, and I did try, I almost puked on him. He was so mad at me. But I have been with others that I could go down on, so long as they don't cum into my mouth. How do I get past this fear or dislike? I really hate the taste of cum. And yes, I tried the candy deal, the Cool whip, chocolate, etc. but none of that covers the actually cum. It is embarrassing and I have this one friend that I can do things with no strings attached, and I can give him a bj, to a point, and he said I really need to find a way to deal with my inablities and fears and overcome them so that I could fully enjoy sex.

I completely understand the way you feel 'cause I'm the same way. I love to give bj's, it turns me on, but I have a very active gag reflex and that can be a real problem sometimes. I've found that if my Hb takes a shower first or if I do it in the shower it's much better. I like everything to be clean. BTW, I still can't let him cum in my mouth though. I wish I could be more help, but if nothing else maybe it helps to know you're not alone. Feel free to try the shower thing, it may just work for you.

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I completely understand the way you feel 'cause I'm the same way. I love to give bj's, it turns me on, but I have a very active gag reflex and that can be a real problem sometimes. I've found that if my Hb takes a shower first or if I do it in the shower it's much better. I like everything to be clean. BTW, I still can't let him cum in my mouth though. I wish I could be more help, but if nothing else maybe it helps to know you're not alone. Feel free to try the shower thing, it may just work for you.

I don't have a prob with a gag reflex as far as size goes, it is just with the body fluids. Yeah, I did try the shower thing a few times, but I am just not a spitter or swallower. I am a puker :( and my tummy just heaves if I taste any of it. Maybe it is because I don't eat salt, table salt, I don't even like the taste of salt at all and don't use it. But cum has a salty taste, and I just don't know how to get past this issue. I have been married 2 times and it was a major issue both times.

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Ok....I am going to try and handle this as sensitively as I can without being rude.....

The taste / texture issue that women have with cum is a PSYCHOLOGICAL issue. Cum basically has no taste, or is primarily salty - and it isn't THAT salty that your distate for salt would get in the way. Granted, a man's diet can greatly change the way his cum tastes...if, for example he eats cinamon his cum that evening will taste more sweet. If a man smokes or has a lot of garlic or harsh spices in his diet - such as tumeric - his cum will taste much more harsh.

As for texture..cum should be smooth, not chunky, and unless you guy is going weeks and weeks without masturbating to cumming, there should not be so much of it that you have to gag or even taste it. Are you swishing it around in your mouth to absorb the flavor? Just take it in, swallow it down...you should barely notice a taste unless you are savoring the flavor (as some women - myself included - do)

Now, let me ask you this, if your man was going down on you, giving you fantastic oral, and you started to lubricate and he said "ICK, EWWWW....you just taste BAD!...I can't go on!" Wouldn't you be offended and angry and upset? That is how your husband feels! Of course this is going to be an issue for him, women have a distinct taste as well, and don't always taste the same. Our diet changes our taste (and smell) as well. Try eating Asparagus, and just smell your pee...that smell transcends to taste in our lubrication and cum!

You basically have a hang up with what cum IS...something that comes out of your hb penis...you don't want to have THAT in your mouth! I suggest you try to get over this fear, it will become a problem for many men, maybe not all, but many!

If you want to try something, try some oral sex gels, we sell them here, they can really change the taste of the cum because they are longer lasting. Sex Tarts is a good one. Your man will be grateful that you tried and believe me, the rewards when you swallow are even better in return!

Mikayla ;)

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Guess I"m in the minority here....I love cum and oral sex, both giving and receiving. I have never encountered "icky" tasting cum from a man and I like my own taste too. Different grooves I guess.

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You aren't in MY minority...I enjoy CUM too, and my own tastes...right ON!


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Oh my--you naughty girls have given me an idea for my next short story!!

I love your attitudes CL and Mikayla. You two and Howard have really nailed this topic!!


MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM the story!! I can't wait!! :D

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