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Concern About Monster G Spot Vibe

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I just received mine today, and I took it out of the package to wash it. It felt and smelled like it had lube on the G spot and Clitoral stimulation areas. The rest of the toy was fine. Those areas had a greasy feel to them, and sort of a fruity smell. Has anyone else had this problem? I'm not even touching again until I know this is ok, or this is how the toy comes. If it's not supposed to be this way, and a return accidentally got sent to me, let me know, and I'll send it back for an exchange. Thanks!!

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I just received mine today, and I took it out of the package to wash it. It felt and smelled like it had lube on the G spot and Clitoral stimulation areas. The rest of the toy was fine. Those areas had a greasy feel to them, and sort of a fruity smell. Has anyone else had this problem? I'm not even touching again until I know this is ok, or this is how the toy comes. If it's not supposed to be this way, and a return accidentally got sent to me, let me know, and I'll send it back for an exchange. Thanks!!

I've never had any problems with my orders from TT. Was the outside package sealed? Sometimes jelly-like toys can feel tacky...but usually smell like..plastic.

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Pinky, the outside package wasn't sealed, nor was there any type of descriptive card in the package, such as the one that shows and says what toy it is, what batteries are needed, the name of the company making the product, etc. I also noticed that the package was really greasy in the areas where the stimulation parts hit the package, but not elsewhere, even though there were other jelly parts touching the packaging. I have never had a problem with TT, either, and I've been buying a few things from them for almost 2 years now. This is a jelly type toy, but the oily areas were specific to the stim. areas, and no other parts of the toy were oily, even though they were jelly, too. I'm just not sure what to do in this situation, as it seems the areas used for stimulation were specifically oily as compared to the rest of the toy.

P.S. It also had a fruity smell to the oil, as opposed to a "plastic" smell. I had actually removed the toy from the package by the G Spot Stim area, so I ended up with the oil/lube on my hand and it had a distinct feel of oiliness to it, as well as the smell. I also had a couple other jelly/plastic toys that arrived in the same box, and they were all fine.

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We do not restock or resell ANY products that have been returned. Once an item leaves our warehouse and is returned (for any reason, even if the customer claims that they "didn't even open it!") it is discarded to be disposed of properly. The Monster G-Spot is made out of a jelly material, often manufacturers will put some sort of lubricant on the toy before packaging to make sure that the material doesn't crack, or rip during shipping/storing. In my experience, I have often noticed a slightly "fruity" smell. We we received the Monster G-Spot vibrators in stock, they came in just a clear, plastic package. We want you to feel 100% comfortable using our products, so if you aren't completely satisfied, please feel free to view our return policy and return the item for a replacement, exchange or store credit.

Always remember to wash your products throughly before and after each use!

If you have any other questions, please feel free to email me at: Meaghan@TooTimid.com.


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Just my input, but I had a new dual action sent, and it had a fruity smell to it, and was a little slick too (it was made out of jelly). It was in a baggie, that wasn't sealed, in a box. Not ALL sex toys come in sealed boxes or bags. In fact, some sex toy sellers will TEST the toy out, as in just put batteries in to make sure that the mechanics work, before selling a toy, especially the more expensive ones. Meaghan has done this for me with a few testers she's sent to replace one that hasn't worked before. Not that I think Meaghan is nasty (LMAO), but when it gets here, I wash it anyway. In fact, I make sure to wash all of my toys first, even if they're in sealed bages/boxes, just to be on the safe side.

Some companies change the names of the toys, and therefore take out the inserts until they're printed up correctly, but will still sell the item. And it's only been recently that companies have started to bother putting in battery instructions. California Exotics are getting REALLY good about that.

I've been dealing with TooTimid for a little over 2 yrs now, and have NEVER had a problem with getting "reused" stuff, and I believe what Meaghan says about disposing of stuff when it's returned.

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Thank you all so much for your input. I feel much better now, especially knowing that the manufacturer can put the lubricant on the toy to keep it from sticking. I have learned something new today(Crap! My brain just exploded!). I never once thought that TT would resell a used item, as I have read their policies about used/returned toys and throwing them away. I just wasn't sure how the procedure went when the toy got sent back to them, if they were immediately thrown away, or maybe put in a box or something to be thrown away later. Now, I know there is a proper procedure for handling this(thank you, Meg) and I don't have to worry about a used item possibly being accidentally sent to me. And, NO, I do not think that TT would ever do it on purpose, and I hope no one thought I was saying that. I was just wondering if a used toy could accidentally get sent to someone. Now I know better, and I have no problems with washing the toy and using it.

And, I always wash my toys before and after use. I do use a Feminine Wash soap vs. an antibacterial soap, as I tend to be a bit sensitive to regular soap in that area. I hope the Feminine Wash is okay to use on the toys.

Again, thank you all so much for answering my questions so quickly and for helping me to understand TT's disposal procedure a bit better, as well as how the toy manufacturers package items.

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