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Ultimate Bj Drops


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"Delight, excite and ignite your partner with these cool, tasty, minty drops!" That is what is on the package of this sampler package with 4 BJ drop flavors. There is Wint-ahhh-Mint, Sin-a-mint, X-Spear-a-mint and Choc-ohh-mint. Tiny 10 cc bottles of minty fresh goodness just waiting to land on your lovers lips. Now, I don't mean to brag, but my wife already gives one hell of a blowjob, so any product that will help make that better, I am all for it.

I have been out of town for a week and we had to celebrate my return with some awesome sex. For us, awesome sex is always prefaced by awesome oral. I knew these drops were in our 'review' box and I just needed to get them out. However, when I went to look for them, they were GONE! I was pissed. Then I saw these teeny bottles on the nightstand and realized that my wife had beat me to the punch! Already opened and ready to go, I couldn't wait to see which ones she tried. I was rooting for the Sin-a-Mint, as I figured that might be the mintiest for my benefit.

As it turned out, Mik had tried them all, and her favorites were Sin-a-mint (lucky me) and Wint-ahhh-mint. I was happy, I was getting a blowjob! While we got down to 'bidness' she dropped what seemed like a lot of this on her tongue and went down on me again. I could smell the cinnamony scent but couldn't really feel much of a difference. However, a few seconds later I felt a distinct cooling sensation. It was not overwhelming but it was there. I think that the drops were more for her than for me, cause she was ooohhing and ahhhing over every lick and drop.

When I asked her about it she reported that they really do taste good and add a little lubrication to the party (always good) and felt good on her tongue. I was not complaining, it was still a BJ and it enhanced things for her, I just can not say that they definitely made a difference for me as far as a different sensation went. Now, Mikayla wanted to make sure that I told all you readers that there is Sucralose in these drops, which is a type of sugar. So ladies, keep these drops away from your vaginas - for men only - SORRY!

If you want the Ultimate BJ - find a gal who knows how to do it - and then add these drops for a little extra fun.

Ultimate BJ Drops

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Thanks for the great review.

I've tried other BJ flavorings that promise to add everything and do nothing. I glad to learn there one that lives up to it's promise.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Do these have any aftertaste? Like ladylove, I've tried other "BJ flavorings," and most had a bad or chemical-ish aftertaste.

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  • 1 month later...
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Honestly, I am always skeptical about any flavored product. It seems like most of the time the flavors are so horrible they actually make things worse, but these minty little drops promised something different and maybe even some additional sensations for him, so despite my usual apprehension I was excited to try them. They come in 4 flavors, Wint-ahh Mint, Sin-a Mint, X-spear-a Mint, and Choc-ohh Mint. I hate the taste of chocolate and mint together, so I tried the Choc-ohh Mint first because... well, I suppose I am a masochist, haha. It was surprisingly good, more minty than chocolatey, but not to my taste, personally. The other three flavors were all very pleasant, almost like chewing gum, and just like chewing gum, I liked the spearmint and wintergreen best.

Now, on to the REAL test. After getting my assistant nice and warmed up, I applied a couple of drops of X-spear-a Mint on my tongue and got down to business. I don’t mind the normal flavors of oral at all, but the minty gel tingled on my tongue and I must say it really did make the experience that much more enjoyable. I also liked that it provided some extra lubrication, and to my surprise, the slick texture and the flavor stuck around – no need to stop and reapply!

All in all a great product, and one I’m adding to my list of favorites. The only downfall worth mentioning is that these did not give my guy the tingling sensation we were hoping for, so I’d say these are more for the benefit of the giver than the receiver.

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