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Cyberskin 5x Custom Grip Cockring


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CyberSkin 5X Custom grip Cockring

My wife and I have tried quite a few ring style vibrators in the past but most of them were uncomfortable. The CyberSkin, however was quite comfortable and didn’t chaff my skin at all. It was a little confusing trying to figure out all the different settings as the packaging had no operating instructions. When we did figure it out we were quite surprised! This vibrating cockring has alternating settings that give a variety of vibrations. My complaint with the ones previously tried was that after 20 minutes they had vibrated me into numbness that was useless for my enjoyment. However the CyberSkin 5X alternates patterns so numbing out does not occur. For her pleasure, the nodules at its base stimulated her clitoris while in doggie style and the changing vibrations were a welcomed new sensation. My only complaint is that it burns through batteries. We used it three times, anywhere from 30 minutes to 45 minutes per session and it died midway through the 3rd session. Otherwise I was suprised and pleased with the overall function and comfort. B)


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Adding the picture for your review:


Glad this ring worked well for you -- we love using different cockrings, so hearing another worked well is a good thing! ;)

For anyone unfamiliar with wearing cockrings: for safety sake, they shouldn't be worn more than 20-30 minutes at a time.

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Thanks, Val, for adding pics. You're always so helpful! :) Please be sure to add pics to any and all reviews (mandatory if you're part of the Review Team).

I'm glad this toy worked well for you. I know it's always said, but please, remember, when using silicone toys (like Cyberskin and the like), stay away from silicone based lubes.

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Thanks, Val, for adding pics. You're always so helpful! :) Please be sure to add pics to any and all reviews (mandatory if you're part of the Review Team).

I'm glad this toy worked well for you. I know it's always said, but please, remember, when using silicone toys (like Cyberskin and the like), stay away from silicone based lubes.

Thanks for the picture insert, the wife is the computer whiz! Still figuring it all out, here on the sight. I found the posting for adding links and pictures so that shouldn't be a problem now. Thanks again! O.

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Thank for the review.

I'm sure you'll get the hang of all this, the first post are the hardest.

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