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I'm Such A Geek...


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Okay so I, like most parents, am looking forward to school starting because my son is driving me crazy. I think we are just sick of each other. But I am looking forward to school starting for me more. I had no classes this summer, I didn't even take a break from school to have my daughter(I had her Saturday and went back to class on wednesday.) I'm needing my brain to be fed. I think I might be one of those lifers, that take classes until they die.

See I'm a geek. But I feel alittle better now that I vented. Only 6 more days! :)

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There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a hunger for knowledge. We all need to constantly feed the brain! Its what keeps you going, keeps things fresh. Even if its something as simple as reading a new book or doing a crossword ;)

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Nothing wrong with wanting to learn! My uncle was still in school when he passed away in his 50s!

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