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Bioidentical Hormones - Testosterone & Size?


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I don't want to highjack the clit size thread, so I'm starting this one.

Last winter I began bioidentical hormone replacement after lab tests (following complaints to my dr about low libido, hot flashes, insomnia) showed I was deficient in almost everything (I'm post surgical menopause by 7 yrs).

While I never have noticed much effect from the female hormone cream except lack of hotflashes, can I just mention the extreme effects of the testosterone pellets??!! Holy cow.

Now, I always had a fairly healthy libido, but gradually it's waned over the years. Especially since the hysterectomy. But I've had two pellets done now, 4 months apart, and that stuff made me finally realize what 18 yr old boys must feel like. I mean, seriously mind-bending constant thinking about sex. Constant urge to do it. I finally had to tell DH about this. Like "HELP".

My clit has actually grown, and I've developed some acne and oily skin again (the bane of my youth). No real hair yet, but a slightly more noticeable lady 'stache that is easy to control. The doctor's office called me a few days ago asking me how I was doing and was I ready for another appointment for "refill". I said not at this time without further labs. I mean, it was kind of a fun, new sensation the first time, but for about 3 weeks after the second pellet, I was scaring myself. :lol:

Have any of you ladies experienced anything like this?

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I actually haven't however, there is a chemical in pot that mimics testoterone and when smoked in copious amounts women will begin to devolep things like body hair, enlarged and elongated clitoris, enhanced muscle grow, and many other side effects of testoterone. Men however (being lazy as they are ;) ) have teh oppposite respone, their brains say wait, we're getting this without having to make it, PARTY TIME!! So they stop producing their own. Men will notice that their penises (peni?) shrink, their body hair thins, their voices raise and their breast grow. Hormones are a scary thing so good call on asking for more tests.

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I actually haven't however, there is a chemical in pot that mimics testoterone and when smoked in copious amounts women will begin to devolep things like body hair, enlarged and elongated clitoris, enhanced muscle grow, and many other side effects of testoterone. Men however (being lazy as they are ;) ) have teh oppposite respone, their brains say wait, we're getting this without having to make it, PARTY TIME!! So they stop producing their own. Men will notice that their penises (peni?) shrink, their body hair thins, their voices raise and their breast grow. Hormones are a scary thing so good call on asking for more tests.


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I actually haven't however, there is a chemical in pot that mimics testoterone and when smoked in copious amounts women will begin to devolep things like body hair, enlarged and elongated clitoris, enhanced muscle grow, and many other side effects of testoterone. Men however (being lazy as they are ;) ) have teh oppposite respone, their brains say wait, we're getting this without having to make it, PARTY TIME!! So they stop producing their own. Men will notice that their penises (peni?) shrink, their body hair thins, their voices raise and their breast grow. Hormones are a scary thing so good call on asking for more tests.

I never heard of this!!! I will have to do some research! and HOW COME you know so much ??? Hmmmm? B)

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I'm with sunflower..........oh suzy what have you been up to? JK. LOL.

This thread is about things I have never heard of before...and I'm not quite sure I fully understand the post. I have no clue what "pellets" are or anything......I feel lost here. Sorry i'm of no help to you craftylady!

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I spoke with my MD about this, at one time when my ex was smoking to relieve cancer pain. She said men that smoke weed weekly do have testosterone issues. Being produced in the testes, it does supress. And women that smoke weed weekly do grow more facial hair and have elevated testosterone.

Now I'm usually good at spotting women that use it alot. Aerosmith's song.. "Dude look like a lady" :lol:

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ok I looked it up and am posting a link for other to check out if they don't know what this is.


Here is some other info:

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy:

This utilizes bioidentical hormones, which are derived from plant compounds to be identical to the hormones naturally produced in our body. Although there has not been a long-term clinical trial to evaluate their effectiveness, there is a large amount of information about their physiological role in the body, as well as many good independent studies that attest to their efficacy. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy has been found to help restore natural hormone balance, to promote a feeling of well-being, and to bring relief from the unwanted symptoms of menopause.



Wednesday, April 16, 2008

By Marrecca Fiore

Custom-Made Pellets: The Safer Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Ever since a 2002 study found that the use of hormone replacement therapy increased the risk of heart attacks, breast cancer and strokes, women have been looking for a safe alternative to control the often debilitating symptoms of menopause.

The search has led to a booming market for so-called bioidentical hormones — hormones derived from plant sources and said to mimic those produced by the human body.

Dr. Allan E. Sosin and his Institute for Progressive Medicine specialize in “natural therapies” for a number of medical conditions, including menopause.

“Pellets have been around for 50 years, so this is nothing new,” Sosin told FOXNews.com. “They’re not FDA approved, and when the other (prescription) hormones came out, people went to those. But now doctors have stopped prescribing those and people stopped taking them, so the pellet therapy has come on really strong.”

Not everyone is sold on the benefits of “natural” hormone therapy, however.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the North American Menopause Society have previously warned consumers that there are no studies to back the safety or effectiveness of bioidentical and custom-made hormone therapies.

In January, the FDA told seven producers of bioidentical hormones to stop making and selling them, adding that these alternative hormone therapies are no safer than other hormone replacement therapies.

But Sosin believes hormone pellet therapy can alleviate the symptoms of menopause — including loss of bone density, hot flashes, mood swings and waning sexual desire — without the dangerous side effects of hormone replacement medications, such as Prempro and Premarin, as well as those carried by synthetic pills and creams.

“Natural hormones are safer because they are like those made by the human body,” Sosin added. “Synthetic hormones are not what’s made from the human body so you don’t know what kinds of side effects they carry. Not all hormones made by drug companies are artificial. Premarin is made from horses' urine. It’s natural, but it doesn’t produce the same effects as the natural hormones found in women.”

Sosin said he is not profiting from the sale of hormone pellets and is not affiliated with any manufacturers of the products.

He said the pellets, which are formulated with the estrogen-like compounds estradiol and estriol, as well as progesterone and testosterone, must be obtained and implanted in the hip area by a doctor. They are gradually released in the body over an extended period of time.

“Older women in their 60s and 70s find them helpful for osteoporosis, which the pellets containing testosterone are very good for,” he said. “Women also say they experience a vast enhancement in sexual activity from the pellets.”

Dr. James Simon, a Washington D.C. reproductive endocrinologist and professor at the George Washington University, said he first used hormone pellet therapy in 1969.

"I really think it's a personal choice," he said. "I work in Washington so a lot of the women I see who want it are from Europe where the therapy is more commonly used. I think it's not as frequently used as other forms of hormone therapy because it's not covered by insurance and because of the inconvenience of having it put in at least twice, if not three times a year. And it does leave a scar."

He said the pellets at one time were FDA approved, but as use of the therapy declined in favor of other HRTs, manufacturers of the pellets found it no longer cost effective to maintain approval.

The college of obstetricians and gynecologists, and the menopause society also warn that bioidentical products may vary in the quality, purity and potency of the hormones.

Anecdotal evidence has shown that they carry the similar bothersome side effects as traditional HRTs, including increased bloating, headaches, breast tenderness and anxiety and mood swings.

Simon said there is some concern that the pellets, because they are not regulated, may subject users to an extraordinarily high amount of estrogen and testosterone.

"There was one study about 20 years ago that found that there was a higher breast cancer risk with this particular route of administration compared to other forms of estradiol therapy," he said. "I really think that this is what the FDA was getting at when it went after the makers of bioidentical hormones earlier this year; that is thinking that these are some how safer than other methods of hormone replacement therapy is totally erroneous."

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There are other things that can cause facial hair growth and elevated testosterone in women, though...

Yeah like PCOS etc... And If anything the effects of Marijuana on women is very minimal. It tends to affect men more. Just because you see a woman who might have facial or body hair doesn't necessarily mean she is a pot smoker. That is an ignorant assumption. A lot of women suffer with this problem and endure ridicule and severe self esteem issues. That is pretty messed up when people make fun of others physical faults that they can't control, it's just plain MEAN. Like if an obese woman was looked upon as just eating too many "Twinkies" instead of the fact that she may have a medical issue that causes weight gain... Here is a link I thought was interesting.


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Yeah like PCOS etc... And If anything the effects of Marijuana on women is very minimal. It tends to affect men more. Just because you see a woman who might have facial or body hair doesn't necessarily mean she is a pot smoker. That is an ignorant assumption. A lot of women suffer with this problem and endure ridicule and severe self esteem issues. That is pretty messed up when people make fun of others physical faults that they can't control, it's just plain MEAN. Like if an obese woman was looked upon as just eating too many "Twinkies" instead of the fact that she may have a medical issue that causes weight gain... Here is a link I thought was interesting.


I just want to be clear, I wasn't making fun of anyone! I used to run tech for all kinds of seminars and one of them was for the local frats and sororities about drug use. I also said that you have to smoke A LOT off weed. See the woman's brain (being the busy beaver that it is) notices MORE testoterone in her system and figures that she is supposed to have it and just starts making it. Now having a joint even just once a week won't really do much, however when it's many times a day (can we say expensive?) then your going to start seeing a difference. Also the reason it so drastically effects men more is that statisically they smoke more weed.

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I just want to be clear, I wasn't making fun of anyone! I used to run tech for all kinds of seminars and one of them was for the local frats and sororities about drug use. I also said that you have to smoke A LOT off weed. See the woman's brain (being the busy beaver that it is) notices MORE testoterone in her system and figures that she is supposed to have it and just starts making it. Now having a joint even just once a week won't really do much, however when it's many times a day (can we say expensive?) then your going to start seeing a difference. Also the reason it so drastically effects men more is that statisically they smoke more weed.

NO worries Suzy! :)

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I wasn't making fun of anyone but when someone accepts fluctuations hormonally in their bodies due to self induced non prescribed drugs I do shake my head.

I think people that have issues such as pcos, and hirsutism are not at fault, and I would never make fun of anyone with medical issues. My ex had a huge group of heavy drug using friends. All of the women look like 10 feet of bad road, and the pot smokers did have mustaches and facial hair, and sideburns.

I'm not talking the occasional toker, I'm talking the women that were smoking daily and in large quantities. The reason I asked my MD about it was 15 years ago we were going through infertility and she directly asked my husband about marijuana use. Because his testosterone levels were so low. He was never into weed, he was into alcohol. So I flippantly said well then that means I can smoke away because I don't have to worry about testosterone. She said well, no you will have to because marijuana does increase testosterone in women, and along with that comes male characteristics. Chest hair, facial hair, increased libido which got us into a discussion of endocrine dysfunction and long term drug abuse.

Most pharmaceutical companies with prescription testosterone additives and replacements such as craftylady's had, do have warnings on the labeling. Pot doesn't. And people need to be aware.

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Most pharmaceutical companies with prescription testosterone such as craftylady's had, do have warnings on the labeling. Pot doesn't. And people need to be aware.

Thanks Aiden! I shocked when I had first heard about this too, but let's be honest we've all dated a stoner and he was probably lacking in that department, now we know why! LOL CraftyLady, definitely a good idea to get your levels checked again, your being very smart. But come on, it was fun at first to have the libido of a 16yo male, right?

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Well, now that is ALL very interesting about marijuana use. I had no idea!!

Learn sumpin' new every day.

What I actually get is a testosterone pellet in the hip which time releases over a period of a few months, and then I also use a compounded estradiol/progesterone/estrone vaginal cream several times a week for the female hormones.

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Well, now that is ALL very interesting about marijuana use. I had no idea!!

Learn sumpin' new every day.

What I actually get is a testosterone pellet in the hip which time releases over a period of a few months, and then I also use a compounded estradiol/progesterone/estrone vaginal cream several times a week for the female hormones.

LOL Yeah I didn'think that you were sittiing at home being stone out of your mind all the time, LOL! Keep us posted onhow your doing though!

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Balanced bioidentical hormones are just that.. balanced. Testosterone offset with the female hormones.

Another interesting story. My ex knew a male stripper. Totally straight male stripper. Loved the big ripped body builder look. This guy got ahold of injectible female hormones and used to shoot himself in the ass with it, to offset the steroids. It wasn't done in a balanced setting.

What was interesting is the stripper even with the balanced female hormones, tho not dosed correctly by any means, affected his penis size.

The guy had no dick. And it was due to the female hormones.

So there is a huge difference with balanced bioidentical hormones and random street drugs. Absolutely huge.

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Yeah like PCOS etc... And If anything the effects of Marijuana on women is very minimal. It tends to affect men more. Just because you see a woman who might have facial or body hair doesn't necessarily mean she is a pot smoker. That is an ignorant assumption. A lot of women suffer with this problem and endure ridicule and severe self esteem issues. That is pretty messed up when people make fun of others physical faults that they can't control, it's just plain MEAN. Like if an obese woman was looked upon as just eating too many "Twinkies" instead of the fact that she may have a medical issue that causes weight gain... Here is a link I thought was interesting.


maybe its just me but.....its gittin way too serious in here right now. Maybe that really big lady has a slow metabolism. Hey I am about 30# over my ideal weight and Twinkies didnt have nuttin to do with that. Sure blame maryhauna for all the ills of modern man (and womyn). Yeah those awful pot smokers are out hittin Mom and Pop stores for chips and brownies and strawberry flavored milk and day old pizza. While just down the road some drunkdriver has plowed thru a ditch and landed in a field of feedcorn. While further out on the other side of town 3 tweakers have just cooked up their latest batch of meth... Whats my point? :rolleyes: Recently I had the opportunity to study pot smokers in their realm. My findings? Take a toke...pass it...CSNY.... take a hit...giggle...dancing...laughter...take a swig of anything WET...light a bowl...drumming...more giggling...walking for 2 hours trying to find your way back to your camp...drumming.....playing with neon litesticks...BOB MARLEY....relight that hooter,get another hit...wander down to the main stage...CCR... .and listen to the music...get some elephant ears or a huge chocolate chip cookie....wishin you had a quart of milk...laughter...grab a diet pepsi and put on some Jerry Garcia. My point here? I never saw or heard one instance of anyone doing something amiss. One of the main guys of this festival who pulled the 8PM to 1AM shift on the gate was camped right next to me like 4 feet away. Bob was his name. A cool guy. Owned a business in town. He was a little weird (to me) but in a good way. I enjoyed talking with him. I bought firewood from him twice just to make sure my supply lasted thru 5 days. (and as always I brought wood home) A couple people were on acid and there were some magic mushrooms floating around but I never saw a single instance of anyone getting out of hand. Potsmokers. I would rather see alcohol>>>beer whisky wine made illegal. Legalize weed and sell it in state stores nationwide. Taverns and cocktail lounges would merely change their product. Imagine...Thai Stick...Panama Red...Maui Wowie...Kronic...BC Bud. :rolleyes:
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Well, I haven't been in here for a while but I thought I'd post again on the topic.

I got another pellet a couple weeks ago, only this time they lowered the dose by half. And it's wonderful, just perfect.

I just wish DH was in a more receptive state at the moment :lol:

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