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My Horse Is Very Naughty


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The other day, I go to feed, and I notice that my horse, Wrangler, isn't anywhere near his pasture buddy. Hmmm, where the hell is he? Then I see him, in another section, not even fenced in, on the other side of our fence!! WTF!!!!

So, I had to slip thru the barbed wire fence (careful of the boobies!!!), get my DD over with me, and put his halter on him, which he let me do, and walk around the whole property, to get back where there's an opening. I didn't have time to walk the fenceline to probably discover that he jumped it. LOL We walked about a mile. We had to walk on the edge of the road a few times, and DD was really good, and so was Wrangler. He even nuzzled my hand/arm a few times for comfort.

Though, we had to jump a few small natural culverts, and with one, he jumped at an angle and accidently clipped my left ankle bone, which is now bruised slightly, and has a nice surface "hoof burn" on it.

With both feet hurt, I don't know which way to limp!! LMAO But, we got him back all safe & sound, and in another fully fenced pasture. Not sure if he was being chased by something, chasing a dog or deer, or what. DH is going to check the fence tomorrow probably.

BTW, horses are a lot of hoofed-trouble!! LOL

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Filly is a female colt (baby horse). He's gelded, meaning he's "fixed"-no balls, so he doesn't have the desire to mate. So, I don't know why he ran. The other mare that was in the pasture with him is pregnant, by a friend's stud, and Wrangler's very protective of her.

I like the way you think ladylove!! LOL

Now, with the "horse injury" and the nail injury from the barn, I'm progressively becoming more and more "cowgirl"! LOL And because I'm toughing it out, I am doing what they call "Cowgirl Up". LOL Go me!!

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Maybe the grass was greener on the other side. ;) ;) ;)

Horses scare me slightly - just because of their size. I've never had any bad experiences with them. In fact, I've even been riding a few times (my butt can't handle it!)

Glad you got him back!


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Aw, thanks iha!!! LOL

I'm intimidated by their size too, Meg, so don't feel bad. I'm still kinda nervous around them, but try really hard not to put that out there, cuz they DO pick it up. With MY horse, I'm not scare of him at all. He's protected me, and wants me all to himself, and has never been "mean" or vindictive, and I really do trust him.

Though I will probably get hurt sometime, so far, in almost 3 yrs of ownership with him, 4 with horses, I've only fallen off once and it was on someone else's horse. And, I had blacked out due to being very very sick, and the horse's owner pestering me to get up on her horse. So, when I did, I blacked out. Don't think I ever even touched the saddle! :rolleyes:

I'm learning, and getting more confident. I've even learned how to give paste meds to horses....even a horse that doesn't like to be caught to be worked with. Though, she isn't mean, she just is a PITA to catch! She plays the "See my butt, here's my butt, see my butt? Can't touch this!" She has never kicked or bit, she just will run off if you try and catch her. I'm the only one that can catch her, and has the patience to do so at this point. DH, who's been around horses all his life, will CALL me to catch her for the farrier or if she needs meds. LMAO

I can saddle them, brush them, pick up all their feet & clean their feet, put lotion on their feet, take ticks off, administer meds when they get hurt (salve), clean their eyes, and catch them. Not bad for a Yankee city gal! LMAO I'm pretty proud of myself, honestly. Next I want to learn how to give them shots. Sometimes, the best sort of medicine for them is an injection. DH has a FEAR of needles, so he can't do it at all.

A couple of things to keep in mind when around horses. Don't walk up behind them. They can almost see completely around them, but they do have an hourglass blind spot that triangulates from their heads, thins out at their backs, and then, expands to their butts. They don't like surprises, so walking up to them on the side is best. They're still a "prey animal", and so they will fight or flight. Startling them, even as a joke is NOT a good idea. Watch their ears. Like dogs and cats, if their ears are flat back, leave them alone, they are angry or scared. If you have to go up to them, try to sound calm and assurring. If their ears are flat back AND nostrils are flaring and they're stomping their back feet, back away and let them calm down. Go up to them thinking and posturing that YOU are the boss. Even if you're scared, try hard to fake as much confidence as possible.

I had a horse, he was like 16 yrs old. He was "barn spoiled" meaning he liked to be at his barn, and not out riding. If he saw where he "lives", he'd try and rush it. If he knew you were absolutely in control, then he didn't push it. At 17 hands, he was a MOOSE! He was huge and powerful. He also only had one eye! He was very sweet, but would test you. My niece got on him, and he hopped his butt a bit cuz he knew she was scared, and he wanted to see if he could get HIS way. She screamed and got down. I got on him, rode him, he was fine. DH got on him, no hopping either. Niece got back on him, and another hop! Not even a buck. He just literally, hopped!! He got rode very hard and long after that, as a punishment (and no, that's not sexual LMAO), and he didn't do that again!! LMAO

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