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Taiyo Ame=sun Rain


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Hi. No, I'm not Japanese and nor am I one who is entrenched in anime. I'm simply a person who loves different languages and cultures. And no, I will not post my real name. Ever. Sorry. Hmmm....How to start?

Well, long story made short? My therapist actually recommended TooTimid to me!

Okay, perhaps that shortened long story ought to be lengthened back out a little. So, let me back up.

First, let me preface: I am a FIRM believer that everyone ought to have their own convictions but not force them upon others--and no judging! That being said...

I had always been the type whose conviction was to remain a virgin until marriage. I would still be so today except for the fact that my virginity was stolen. Yes, people--Rape happens. A year after the first one, I was raped again. Half a year after that, I started receiving counseling over it all. Yay me!, and hence, the therapist previously mentioned. Don't worry; I'm NOT looking for a pity party. As I said, rape happens. It's just a fact.

So, summing up that story again...

It's interesting how life works sometimes. In some odd, twisted, ironic way, these past experiences of mine has caused me up to open up and claim my life as my own. I'm now a woman--a feminine, sexy, and even sexual woman. And although I do still prefer to behave myself well (as stated earlier, I'm not married. Plus, I am tragically terrified of STDs!), all I can say is--With recovery comes relapse, right? So, if you ever see future postings from me, please don't judge because my convictions say one thing and my actions say another. PTSD, people. PTSD. I am working through it though.

ANYWAY, what I'd simply like to say is this:

Hi, everybody! I, too, am pretty new and just want to send a great big "Thank you" to all who are brave, honest, and candid enough to post your issues, ideas, and TIPS on this site! I love the articles and greatly appreciate this unassuming and anonymous community. May you all go at it like rabbits tonight! ;)






Oh, and I apologize for the rant.

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Hi hun! Welcome to the site! You'll find there are several of us with similar experiences as yours so if you ever want to talk let us know. I personally don't feel that rape takes your virginity, you were not having sex, it was forced upon you and not a pleasureable experience like sex is, so your V card remains in tact as far as I'm concerned (not that my opinion is the end all be all).

I've known some seriously sluttly virgins (their words) and they did withhold sex and oral sex but still masturbated and had healthy relationships, I say good for them! As long as your happy and healthy then that's all that matters!

We look forward to getting to know you.

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Welcome to TT! I believe you'll find this community open minded, and non judgmental. I understand your plight in recovery and after over 25 years, I can happily tell you, you can put your horrible experiences behind you.

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Welcome to TT. We are happy you are here.

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Hey there! Welcome sorry for your horrible experience! :( Glad you seem to have it together! You seem cool! Open minded people are always a treat! Glad you are here! Have fun!

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Welcome to the forum! Your therapist deserves a big pat on the back for the recommendation. It has never been a good idea to post a real name anywhere on the net. If you read through the older posts you will find at least a few of us with PTSD so you are not alone in that.

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