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Any females out there that think a married man getting a lap dance for the first time would be considered cheating?

I personally don't find anything wrong with getting a lap dance. I wouldn't mind getting one of my own while my man is watching and then get him his! I think many women are intimidated by the straighforward nature of the women - they think that they are perfect, and truthfully - they aren't.

So I say, no, it is not cheating - unless you are fondling all over her and sticking your cock in her mouth, then that is cheating!


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I would have to say I agree with mikayla. If my husband was to go to a strip club and had a lap dance I don't think that is cheating. Some of the best sex I have ever gotten was after he went to the club with his buddies. But he damned well keep his dick in his pants until he gets home.

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Thanks for the feedback,now I really dont feel that guilty if I were to get one. I really don't see any harm in a little rubbing especially when my dick was in my pants.

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Sounds to me as though you are looking for justification for going to a strip club. I think it's fair to say that what every single person on here says is irrelevant. What matters is do YOU think it's cheating. It sounds as though you did and wanted someone to say "hey, it's no big deal". Fine, but now the question becomes, what does your SO think?

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Actually I don't think it was cheating, since there wasn't any skin contact. I just wanted some female input towards the subject. There is a book about cheating where the author quoted that if your partner were to spend extra time away from you and spend it with a member of the opposite sex, it is considered "cheating".

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Actually I don't think it was cheating, since there wasn't any skin contact. I just wanted some female input towards the subject. There is a book about cheating where the author quoted that if your partner were to spend extra time away from you and spend it with a member of the opposite sex, it is considered "cheating".

Having sex is not the only form of cheating.....there is also emotional cheating or an emotional affair.....if you find yourself sharing more with a member of the opposite sex other then you SO or you find that you would rather spend time with someone other then your SO......a simple lap dance is fine no harm but if you go to the strip club every chance you get and dont give your attn. to your SO like you use to then there is a problem........NOT SAYING THAT YOU HAVE DONE THIS.......just saying as with a man on his computer all the time for cybersex or looking at porn all the time instead of focusing his time and attn. on his SO there is a problem and a lack of something in the relationship and communication is needed to get to the reason.

Nothing wrong with going to the strip club once in awhile and getting a lap dance as well......as long as its look dont touch then its all good.......Maybe your SO would like to go with you and get one as well......ever ask if she is into that?

Just some views from KITTY.......Have a nice day and happy posting to all

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I personally have taken my hb for his birthday to a nice classy all nude club. He got a few lap dances and also the couch dance as they called :P I dont see how a lap dance can be cheating at all!

There is no kissing, no penetration, you cant touch them in the clubs here anyway. Not sure about anywhere else. So how could it be consider cheating. Heck if my hb didnt look at other women I think I would think he was gay. :P Heck in fact I help him look, I know that sounds weird but if their is a really hot women walking down the road I will say to him and of course my teenagers laugh about it but say Hey honey isnt she fine I wish I had a butt or whatever like her. :P

I also agree with sexykitty that maybe you should invite her along or at least see how she would feel. I have to say that I enjoyed it and the women at this club were very nice, in fact a few of them came up to me and asked if I was comfortable and if everyone was treating me well. I think alot of the clubs can have a different atmospere this one I took him to though was a little pricing but a high class place and the women were very friendly and very concerned about everyones comfort level.

I would talk to her and if she has never gone maybe if she sees for herself that their is no sexual touching or anything going on she may fill more comfortable about it.

Good luck and Keep us posted but my opion is no it is not cheating

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I personally have taken my hb for his birthday to a nice classy all nude club. He got a few lap dances and also the couch dance as they called :P I dont see how a lap dance can be cheating at all!

There is no kissing, no penetration, you cant touch them in the clubs here anyway. Not sure about anywhere else. So how could it be consider cheating. Heck if my hb didnt look at other women I think I would think he was gay. :P Heck in fact I help him look, I know that sounds weird but if their is a really hot women walking down the road I will say to him and of course my teenagers laugh about it but say Hey honey isnt she fine I wish I had a butt or whatever like her. :P

I also agree with sexykitty that maybe you should invite her along or at least see how she would feel. I have to say that I enjoyed it and the women at this club were very nice, in fact a few of them came up to me and asked if I was comfortable and if everyone was treating me well. I think alot of the clubs can have a different atmospere this one I took him to though was a little pricing but a high class place and the women were very friendly and very concerned about everyones comfort level.

I would talk to her and if she has never gone maybe if she sees for herself that their is no sexual touching or anything going on she may fill more comfortable about it.

Good luck and Keep us posted but my opion is no it is not cheating


That sounds like a very nice club that you both went to. That is the type that espcially for a first timer a women should go to with her man. Some can be very uncomfortable as far as the crowd and the dancers go.......you know that not so upper class type of place......now as far as a lap dance in a place like that who knows what goes on in the backroom.......When i was with my now ex-bf i would go to the clubs as well and the ones he went to were on the good side one here isnt so great and thats the one we stayed away from after our first visit in fact it may have been closed for violating certain laws here......But like you said if guys didnt look then what? They arent dead......and neither are we wink wink......Glad to have your view on this topic I think it really will help Hotpony with the female point of view he was looking for.

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Thanks girls for the honesty. I've asked my SO(could somebody please explain that to me) on occasion if she would be interested and I get a smile . So I think I probably could get her in with a little convincing.

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