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So Embarassed


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So, for the first time in my life, I had a g-spot orgasm last night with an incredible, sexy man. And I didn't have just one, I had FIVE! So, we get finished up, he gets in the shower to rinse off (turns out, I'm a squirter! Yay!) and I get up to change the soaking wet sheets. And I find three brown lumps on my sheets. I'm so embarassed to say this, but I think I might have pooped a little when I was orgasming. I don't know if he didn't notice or if this is normal, but thankfully he didn't say anything about it. Unfortunately, I'm mortified. Someone please tell me this is not totally out of the ordinary. Those 5 orgasms were so incredible, but I'm so nervous about the intensity of any future orgasms causing a repeat of the brown side effect.

Incredibly embarassed to admit that I shit the bed,


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Well....someone definitely had a FANTASTIC night of sex!

Listen, as mortifying as it is...and yes, I too would be mortified...the fact is, when you are orgasming with such power, it is possible (and sometimes likely) that some 'seepage' will occur in the rectal area if you have some residue down there. When you orgasm - and especially a G-spot orgasm - your muscles literally contract and release and this contraction can cause your rectal canal to excrete - i.e. you shit the bed.

It shouldn't happen often, it probably won't, but the fact that it did is normal and means you had ONE HELL OF A NIGHT!!!

Great question - and btw, love the screen name!

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Well this is funny because I have been wondering this myself! Sometimes, not always, I will have noisy gas when I am having a particularly hard orgasm. Like Mikayla said it's normal I guess. I got so embarrassed when that happened! But My h reassured me that he knows that when it happens, I am just THAT turned on and letting go to orgasm... It makes him more aroused. Can you believe that!? :)

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ladies don't feel embarrassed us guys or hubbys once we see you are enjoying your self that stuff will not turn us off it makes us more aroused because that shows us that you are enjoying your self and we are doing something good and more like we would like to see you at that place again so please don't let that be a hang up because for us that is wonderfull no turn off for us and if you asked most guys it won't be a problem for them.

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