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Ms Randi's Ramblings

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Morning Wake Up

I awake with a bit of a start. Some uncomfortable dream has released it’s hold on me. I can see through my slightly parted eyelids that it is still dark in my bedroom. I look to my right and see you are lying on your side with your back to me. Left leg pulled up toward your chest. Your arms seem to be grasping a feather pillow and your face is curled into it. How quite you are when you sleep. You are a very pleasant bedfellow to have around. Craning my head to the left to glance at the



The Mile High Club

Today I flew the return portion of my weekend get-away. I am probably the only person on this planet who raves about how wonderful air travel is. My point being, if I had needed to drive the same distance it would have taken days in each direction. The trip never would have happened. Sure, I'll admit that it sucks being crammed into a tiny seat with no legroom. Flying today is more akin to being herded into a cattle car than a pleasant journey-- BUT compared to driving, the maximum time spe



Shopping For Sex Toys, The Old Fashioned Way

Here's today's ramblings......... Years ago, way back in the dark ages (1980), the only places to go to get sex toys were seedy, awful parts of town. Peep shows and weirdos. Well, actually there were at home parties too. My gal pals and I called'em Fuckerware parties, because it really was the old fashioned Avon/Tupperware/Mary Kay party idea. The rep would bring a Santa's sack stuffed full of wispy clothing--err, if you can call it clothing. Maybe "welcome signs" would be a better word, L



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