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Can't Do It



After thinking a lot about this friend of mine, and her request - she called again last night - I have decided that I just can't do that to my hubby. Even though it would be with a woman, it surely must still be cheating, any way I look at it.

I should post a message on the forum to this effect. Asking if others think this is cheating as well.

Anyway, I feel resolved that I made the decision.

I made another decision recently, that I have not yet shared with many people. I have decided to no longer pursue law school. I have not had my heart in it for a long time, and now I feel that something else is calling me - namely writing. Writing here, writing a novel, teaching others to write - I am not sure - but the law is no longer holding my interest or my passion as it should for me to have a career in it.

It was a HARD decision to make, as my professors and friends and family all say "what a good lawyer I would make" but I just can't do it. Oh well, our life's bliss isn't always where we think it is going to be - and sometimes life takes us in an unexpected direction. Now I have a new adventure and I am intrigued to find where it will lead!



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Good to here you are going to become an attorney. Any ideas on what type. I do criminal defense. Look up "Roxanna Shepard Plains Murder" on the internet. It was a death penalty case I was on. I am Kirk Krutilla "allit" is part of my last name spelled backwards.

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Allit, if you re-read Mikayla's entry, she's saying she WAS going to become a lawyer, but has since changed her mind. She is no longer continuing with her education to become a lawyer.

Mikayla, I have no doubt, from the bit that I've learned of you through this forum, that you'll do splendidly no matter what you do 'when you grow up.' It's a hard decision to change paths, and I hope you the best of success and happiness in your new choice. smile.gif
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I am sorry you misunderstood. I WAS in law school, 2 years of it actually. It is just NOT what I thought it would be. I have a MA in English, and used to teach, and I believe that is where I am going to continue, or perhaps continue with a Ph.D. program. Whatever I do, I know law is not in my heart any longer!


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WOW!! I have to let you know that I think you will do wonderful at writing look at all the wonderful information and writing you have already done here on the forum.

Good Luck to you!!!!!

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You just know when something isnt for you.....if that feeling you had for law is gone then I agree its time to move on. I am sure you will find what is right for you.....and yes maybe it is writing....you do a good job here as you know many have said so that is something to really consider.......GOOD LUCK wink.gifwink.gifwink.gif

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I've been there myself. I was going to school for computer networking. I happen to be good with computers, but I HATE them. smile.gif REally really, really hate them. smile.gif My dad can't stand it because I happen to be so good at it but I won't pursue it. (He's a programmer). I'd rather be a writer as well. smile.gif So I totally understand where you're coming from. You have to do what makes you happy.

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